如果你是CIE考试局的话,那么这个http://igcsecentre.com很适合你,里面有A Level的考试卷pastpaper 如...
IGCSE CS PseudoCode Interpreter (Translator) Note. This program is currently undergoing the final tweaks. This Program transpiles (compiles source to source) the Pseudocode syntax studied in the IGCSE Computer Science 0478 Syllabus as no other application is available to do this. For any suggestions...
Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science Teacher`s CD Support for your teaching of the latest syllabus from experienced examiners and teachers. This CD-ROM has been developed to offer essentail support for the latest Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science syllabus (0478). It includes: - the inter... Dave,Wats...
Cambridge IGCSE (R) Computer Science Coursebook: - Cambridge IGCSE (R) Computer Science Coursebook 类型:简装书作者:Lawrey, Sarah; Scott, DonaldISBN13:9781107518698出版于:2015-11-12 如需订购。请联系澜瑞客服获取最新的价格信息。 (因供应商数据更新原因,价格信息无法在网页上直接显示。) ...
However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate • marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do • marks are not deducted for errors • marks are not ...