与国内的北大、清华处于同一梯队。GATech的MSCS项目位居全美第9(见Best Computer Science Programs),仅次...
佐治亚理工(Georgia Institute of Technology) OMSCS (Online Master of Computer Science)就读体验 Eric 很菜17 人赞同了该文章 1. 课程难度 我目前只上完了了cs 6035 Intro to Information Security, 在非官方的课程评价网站中难度和工作量都不算低。我自己平时还要上班,一般不加班,但这四个月我几乎空闲时间都在...
Databases: Advanced Topics in SQL from Stanford University Introduction to Java Programming – Part 2 from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Software Analysis & Testing from Georgia Institute of Technology Introduction to Java and Object-Oriented Programming from University of Pennsylvania...
The article reports on the launch of an undergraduate computer science curriculum at the Georgia Institute of Technology's College of Computing in Atlanta. One of the goals of the program is to produce graduates whose skill sets will allow them to compete successfully in the global marketplace. ...
B.S. in Computer Science Website Rating: 9 The ABET-accredited computer science program at Georgia Tech is flush with research opportunities in the schools of computer science, interactive computing, and computational science and engineering.
Georgia Tech Online Master of Science in Computer Science 项目经验分享 Posted on 2014/04/22 项目关键词:工科名校,计算机硕士学位,MOOC授课,价格低廉 GaTech,乔治亚理工,美国工科名校,计算机系在US排
The best computer science master's programs can help improve your chances of career success. We compiled this list to help you choose the right one for you.
The 2-year degree programs include majors in computer science, computer information systems and information security. The information security degree major helps students develop skills in network security, information security and other-related areas. The program combines hands-on application with ...
factors, as will students who elect this educational route. On the other hand, it will well behoove companies having significant needs for computer science professionals to take on some Georgia Tech online graduates to perform their own evaluation of quality and performance in the context of a ...