很明显,AP CSP的5分率相较于AP CSA低了很多。其中很大一部分原因是因为一些同学不适应Performance Tas...
很明显,AP CSP的5分率相较于AP CSA低了很多。其中很大一部分原因是因为一些同学不适应Performance Tas...
AP Computer Science Principles exam 21 最近因为对于computer science教育的兴趣,参加了美国college board举办的一个培训,了解到了AP Computer Science Principles考试的一些有趣的信息。 首先要讲讲为什么我们的学生要学习和参加这门考试,因为“高考加分”,不仅仅是北美的学校,世界的高等学府也都承认这个考试。全美有多...
Six computational thinking practices and five big ideas are the foundation of the AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) course. The course’s framework “focuses on the innovative aspects of computing and the computational thinking that helps students make connections in ever...
Computer Science Principles Pretest Demo Programs Explore programs that your students will build throughout this course! Click For Mickey Binary Game Librarian Brighten Filter Data Interpretation College Board Endorsed CodeHS is recognized by the College Board as an endorsed provider of curriculum and prof...
AP Computer Science: Principles Computer Science Principles will become an Advanced Placement course in AY 2016-2017, with the launch of the first APCSP exam in May of 2017, with through-course assessments/performance tasks being completed by students starting at the b... O Astrachan,L Diaz,A...
AP® Computer Science Principles 2021 Scoring Guidelines Create Performance Task 6 points Learning Objectives: CRD-2.B AAP-1.D.a AAP-1.D.b AAP-3.C AAP-2.H.a AAP-2.K.a CRD-2.J General Scoring Notes • Responses should be evaluated solely on the rationale provided. • Responses ...
您将探索计算机如何处理数据以及如何使用数据来生成新信息和解决问题。 主题可能包括: 数据压缩 从数据中提取信息 考试:考试成绩的 17%−22% 大创意3:算法和编程 您将学习如何使用算法和抽象来创建解决问题的程序或表达自己的创造力。 主题可能包括: 开发算法 ...
我们都知道在美国,计算机科学专业备受学生们青睐,选择AP计算机科学的同学也越来越多。很多同学和家长对于AP Computer Science Principles这门课还不是很了解,我们今天给大家详细介绍一下。 AP计算机科学原理是AP课程提供的两门计算机科学课程之一,同时还有AP计算机科学A...
💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws principlescodinglawscomputerscience UpdatedJun 12, 2024 Shell nusr/hacker-laws-zh Star12.5k Code Issues Pull requests 💻📖对开发人员有用的定律、理论、原则和模式。(Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns...