To be eligible to apply for these positions, applicants need to have or be about to obtain either a BSc or an MSc degree in computer science, mathematics, or a related field. The successful candidates are expected to have a strong background and passionate interest in mathematics and theoretic...
PICARD, Gauthier
PhD Positions in Computer Science PhD直招2023秋季招满即止 报名清单 主办方 阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 PhD直招介绍 Di Wang is currently an Assistant Professor in the Division of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CEMSE) at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ...
Computer Science PhD Positions at University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), United States The High Per...
PhD直招项目介绍 The Cyber Security Lab in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of South Carolina is recruiting students. The research of our lab is focused on designing and building more secure computer systems, such as servers, mobile computing platforms, and smart ...
如果是申请top20 的PhD, 或者四大的MS, 首先可以将上面提到的这些硬分数条件apply进来。但PhD的申请其实是更看重科研背景和经历,上面提到的这些数字只能说是不会拖申请PhD的后腿。在科研经历准备这块,建议题主从大二开始就可以有意识的参加一些相关的竞赛或者活动,结合上课甚至旁听这些渠道,确定自己想跟着做research的...
杜克大学的Computer Science(CS)专业有两种选择,第一种course-only option,这种是只需要上课,对于研究方面的要求不高。第二种是thesis or project option,这种就是不仅要上课还需要跟着导师做研究,写论文才可以的。但无论选择哪一种,毕业的时候都要求你获得三十个学分,并且每门课的成绩等级不能低于B才能获得MS学位...
PhD Position Computer Science in Quantum Networks and Quantum Computing荷兰 Ph.D.直招 0 2018 秋季 2018-08-20 PhD直招项目介绍 PhD positions are available at QuTech, Delft University of Technology to work on quantum communication networks. Background The vision of a Quantum Internet is to provide...
Research Fellow (PhD candidates) in informatics/Computer Science - 3 positions The Department of ...
最后拿到了CMU (Computer Science Department),Columbia和UT Austin的Offer。作为第三年的PhD,我这几年也看到不少事情,还是有资格在这里说一说的。 首先, 申请好的PhD项目,掌握一项或多项较少人掌握的能力是最为重要的。个人实力并不一定需要通过论文来体现。关于对本科生做科研的讨论,请参考是否应当鼓励计算机专业...