星期三上午computer science paper 2 hl计算机科学.pdf,–2– N10/5/COMSC/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX Answer all the questions. 1. (a) Inthecontextof data structure plainwhatismeantbya (i) queue ; [2 marks] (ii) stack. [2 marks] (b) Stateone computerapplicationforwhichaq
COMPUTERSCIENCE STANDARDLEVEL PAPER2 Wednesday15May2013(morning) 1hour30minutes INSTRUCTIONSTOCANDIDATES • Donotopenthiaminationpaperuntilinstructedtodoso. • Answerallthequestions. • AcleancopyoftheComputerSciencecasestudyisrequiredforthispaper.
3.1.1 自定义数据类型 3.1.2 文件组织以及文件访问 3.1.3 实数和浮点数的表达 3.2 通讯和网络技术 3.2.1 协议(protocols) 3.2.2 电路交换、数据包交换和路由器 (bing翻译大法好) 3.2.3 局域网(LAN) 3.3 硬件 3.3.1 逻辑门和电路设计 3.3.2 布尔代数 3.3.3 卡诺图 3.3.4 触发器(人字拖?) 3.3.5 ...
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Brief paper: A new expression for the H2 performance limit based on state-space representation Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1, Oh-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan... K Kashima - Pergamon Press, Inc. 被引量...
S.Kaur. International Journal of AdvancedComputer Science and Applications . 2012Kaur S, Mangat V. Improved Accuracy of PSO and DE us- ing Normalization: An Application to Stock Price Predic- tion. Journal of Advanced Computer Science ... editorijacsa 被引量: 2发表: 2015年 (IJACSA) Internatio...
Computer science articles from across Nature Portfolio Atom RSS Feed Computer science is the study and development of the protocols required for automated processing and manipulation of data. This includes, for example, creating algorithms for efficiently searching large volumes of information or ...
In computer science, an instruction is a single operation of a processor defined by the processor instruction set, a computer program is a list of instructions that tell a computer what to do. Everything a computer does is accomplished by using a computer program. Programs that are stored in...