A basic science and any two other subjects from the following: Economics, statistics, geography, Government/History, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agric Science, and Typewriting. At least a pass in physics is compulsory. ...
Introduction to Computer ScienceStructured Programming LanguageStructured Programming Language LabWorkshop Practice & Engineering Graphics Mechanics, Wave, Heat & Thermodynamics Matrices, Vector Analysis & GeometryEnglish Language IEnglish Language I LabDiscrete MathematicsTotalHours/Wee Credits Prerequisite...
Google Science Fair Grading and Assignments Grading:(For details seeMr. Rogers' Syllabus -Information Common to All Classes.) Tests and Personal Software Project will be the single largest item.All tests will be pencil and paper just like the AP Test. ...
ap-computer-science-syllabus AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1172785v1 1
Course 4 of 5 in theComputational Social Science Specialization. Syllabus WEEK 1 Getting Started and Computer Simulations In this module, you will be able to define theoretical computer simulations, specifically agent-based models (ABM). You will be able to recall how and why agent-based models ...
Most of Stanford’s on-campus computer science courses have a companion website. Some are only open to Stanford students. But many are open to everyone, allowing learners worldwide to access the course slides, readings, and assignments. And some even provide video lessons — for instance: ...
AP Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 (AP计算机科学教学大纲样本1).pdf,® AP Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1172785v1 Curricular Requirements Page(s) CR1 The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to
Syllabus WEEK 1 Hardware Computing and information systems are some of the fastest growing fields in the world. The skills needed to build computers, configure security networks, and engineer software are highly valued throughout the global workforce. The possibilities are endless, exciting, and this...
If you want to teach or learn GCSE, Key Stage 3 and A level computer science then come over and have a look at what we have. We have tons of free material as well as professional schemes of work and material for teachers.
- Learn to articulate how logic plays an important role in computer science. - Apply techniques to derive solutions for modelled problems. Syllabus Week 1: Propositional logic Module 1 Welcome to Week 1! This week, you will start your learning journey in the exciting world of logic. You will...