(Computer Science) a powerful computer that can process large quantities of data of a similar type very quickly ˌsupercomˈputingn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 201...
computer network - (computer science) a network of computers command key, control key - (computer science) the key on a computer keyboard that is used (in combination with some other key) to type control characters magnetic core, core - (computer science) a tiny ferrite toroid formerly used...
Since its first edition held in Madrid in 1991, it has been held annually with the sponsorship of the Eurographics Spanish Chapter, twice in collaboration with SIGCG (the Iberoamerican Symposium on Computer Graphics) and twice co-located with CEDI (Spanish Computer Science Conference). CEIG 2009...
The 31st Spanish Conference on Computer Graphics, CEIG, aims to be the discussion forum for researchers and professionals of computer graphics and visualization in Spain. Attendees are expected to present their latest advances in all areas of Computer Gr
DNEW YORK- High school senior Geraldine Agredo fell in love with computer science in a surprising setting: her ninth-grade Spanish class. There, she learned to code( in order to build games that teach simple Spanish lessons. Coding was" a logical way of thinking" that she could apply to ...
The meaning of COMPUTER is one that computes; specifically : a programmable usually electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data. How to use computer in a sentence.
Finally, we used the Class Central database, with its 250K online courses, to find all the computer science courses offered by the universities in the ranking. The end result is a list of 1200+ online courses offered by the 60 best universities in the world for studying computer science in...
UoM计算机科学Computer Science专业简单介绍 专业通过科学、工程和商业领域新应用的开发,计算机科学正在从根本上改变我们体验世界的方式。 Computer Science课程编号、课程中文名称 第1年: COMP10120第一年团队项目(First Year Team Project) COMP11120计算机科学的数学技术(Mathematical Techniques for Computer Science) ...
The meaning of COMPUTER is one that computes; specifically : a programmable usually electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data. How to use computer in a sentence.
Science Scientific Scientific notation Scissoring Scissor switch ScLk SCM Microsystems SCNR SCO SCOM SCO Open Desktop SCO OpenServer SCO UNIX SCO unixware SCO Xenix Scp Scramble Scrambled Scrape Scraped Scraper Scraper site Scraper website Scraping Scrapy Scratch Scratch disk Scratchpad memory Scratch space...