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Computer technology laptop keyboard coding office programming code work working tech computer science computer software Vitalii Khodzinskyi For Unsplash+ Plus sign for Unsplash+ A heart A plus sign A lockDownload laptopcomputer screenmockupKari Shea ...
Frontiers of Computer Science is a comprehensive platform for the latest advancements in computer science. Facilitates effective communication between ...
In subject area: Computer Science Computer Generated Images refer to elements that are created or rendered using specialized 2D or 3D computer animation packages. These images are typically generated by defining a set of algorithms for the computer to use, resulting in visually realistic or stylized...
The problem of graphics treatment of model and experimental results in Computer Fluid Mechanics has received increasing attention of scientists who work in this branch of science. The traditional approach to analysis of model data is a very time consuming and expensive process. Computer graphics is ...
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January 31, 2025 A systematic review of deep learning techniques for apple leaf diseases classification and detection Assad Souleyman Doutoum,Bulent Tugrul January 31, 2025 A quality assessment algorithm for no-reference images based on transfer learning ...
Computer Science: Gives the scientific foundation for the software as electrical engineering mainly depends on physics. Management Science: Software engineering is labor-intensive and demands technical and managerial control. Therefore, it is widely used in management science. Economics: In this sector, ...
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Reference work2003, Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition) Franz J. Kurfess Explore book I.H Acquiring Valuable Work Skills Encouraged by the success of expert systems for practical applications, AI methods started to make their way into various types of computer systems, ...