有些是应用型课程,还有些是core课程;grad level的课程,一般都是研究型课程,和undergrad level课程相比...
2. Computer Science—Ph.D. 该项目分为两类,一类是the Ph.D. in Computer Science,在匹兹堡校区开设,在该博士项目的开始,学生将进行一场激烈的两周计划,学习基础入门知识,了解该项目的研究方向,熟悉卡内基梅隆大学的资源。接下来,通过课程作业和原创研究,学生将对计算机科学主要领域的基础研究问题有一个广泛的了解。
申请要点 学位要求:Bachelor 申请链接:http://www.cs.ucla.edu/graduate-admission-requirements/ 招生电话:(310) 206-6086 招生邮箱:onlineAppHelp@grad.ucla.edu 邮寄地址:Graduate Student Affairs Office, UCLA Computer Science Department, 4403 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1596 ...
学位要求:Bachelor 专业要求:Computer science, information technology, computer engineering, information systems, informatics, or other computer-related field of study 申请链接:https://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/prospective/gradrequirements/westlafayette/cnit.html 招生电话:765-494-4545 招生邮箱:smlane@purdue...
本科:光通信@吉林大学, GPA3.24:本科Top30 211,T: T93=R28+L23+S19+W23 and T90=R23+L20+S22+W25,G: V149+Q167+AW2.5 and V145+Q165+AW3.0,论文/科研经历: 水大创/水科研,相关工作经验: fresh grad 无实习/全职,背景的其他说明(如牛推等): 三封本校老师推荐信,一个水水的summer school ...
Though the Massachusetts Institute of Technology may be best known for its math, science and engineering education, this private research university also offers architecture, humanities, management and social science programs. The school is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just across the Charles Rive...
The individual computer science project and Advanced Practice (Internship) module enables students to apply both their practical and theoretical skills in their chosen specialism and to gain real-world experience in industry or research. Program overview Main Subject Computer Science and Information...
本科: SE @ 西电, GPA 89.7(top 3%): 本科其他211,T单项和总分: 102(24),G单项和总分: 153+170+3.5,一篇一作水论文在投,相关工作经验: fresh grad 无实习/全职,学科竞赛/奖励: 数模省奖,N次校一等奖学金。背景的其他说明(如牛推等): 韩国某大学(世界排名100左右)CV实验室实习一个月,实验室主任推...
Wrote a popular column on coding for the school paper. wrong GPA 3.95 Graduated Magna Cum Laude How to Beef Up a Weak Computer Science Resume with Education Mastery So you’ve finished your computer science undergraduate resume. It takes up about one fifth of the page. The rest is blank. ...
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