计算机学院下设7个系,分别是Computer Science Department, Computational Biology, Institute for Software Research, Language Technologies Institute, The Robotics Institute, Machine Learning 和Human-Computer Interaction Institute。 录取要求:GPA 3.0+,TOEFL 100+,需要GRE,申请截止日期12月10日,国际生花费每年7万美金...
In the summer of 2013, a Computer Science for High School Workshop was held in West Virginia University Institute of Technology, sponsored by Google Inc. It was the first Computer Science for High School Workshop in the State of West Virginia. The two-day workshop provided professional develop...
宾大的计算机系叫做Computer and Information Science(CIS),提供的以下硕士项目:MSE in Computer and Information Science,MSE in Computer Graphics and Game Technology,MSE in Robotics 和Master of Computer and Information Technology。宾大计算机科学在其工学院内一枝独秀,竞争非常激烈,其中MCIT接受各种转专业申请。 5...
计算机科学Computer Science是一门广泛的学科,它为学生创造了新的研究机会。在这个研究领域,有许多主题是非常值得研究的,实际上每个主题和方面都可以成为一个强有力的论文主题。 英伦译制社收集了许多有趣的主题,并制定了一个计算机科学论文主题列表。从计算机科学的研究主题列表中选择感兴趣的主题有助于更好地开展研究...
杜克大学的Computer Science(CS)专业有两种选择,第一种course-only option,这种是只需要上课,对于研究方面的要求不高。第二种是thesis or project option,这种就是不仅要上课还需要跟着导师做研究,写论文才可以的。但无论选择哪一种,毕业的时候都要求你获得三十个学分,并且每门课的成绩等级不能低于B才能获得MS学位...
Industry-relevant computer science certification exams for high school students. CodeHS Pro All the tools, resources, and support your school needs to run a successful computer science program. Professional Development Quality in-person, online, and virtual professional development for new and experienced...
Industry-relevant computer science certification exams for high school students. CodeHS Pro All the tools, resources, and support your school needs to run a successful computer science program. Professional Development Quality in-person, online, and virtual professional development for new and experienced...
Lecture notes in computer science 5941. Springer, Berlin, 36-48.Michal Armoni, Tamar Benaya, David Ginat, and Ela Zur. 2010. Didactics of introduction to computer science in high school. In Teaching Fundamental Concepts of Informatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5941. Springer, ...
Most institutions require a strong background in mathematics and science for their bachelor of computer science programmes. Prospective students are generally expected to have completed high school courses in calculus, algebra, and sometimes physics or computer science. In the US, a competitive GPA, ...