Role: Part Time Teacher of Computer Science Location: The Bedford Sixth Form Salary/Benefits: Salary from £31,930 (Pro-Rata) DOE and Qualifications, Teachers' pension, Retail and Leisure Discounts, excellent professional and personal development opportunities, accessing college courses. Hours/Weeks:...
Finally, we used the Class Central database, with its 250K online courses, to find all the computer science courses offered by the universities in the ranking. The end result is a list of 1200+ online courses offered by the 60 best universities in the world for studying computer science in...
Teaching Associates will assist professors with undergraduate computer science courses such as Introduction to Computer Programming, Machine Learning, Discrete Mathematics, and more. Key duties include: Preparing teaching materials, labs, and assignments Grading homework and exams Leading recitations, quiz...
Innovating Computer Science to Close the Gender Gap Imagine Robotify’s new advanced Python course furthers the program’s commitment to equity, engaging students in ways that close computer science’s gender gap. Learn More Solutions How to Teach Coding (When You Don’t Know How to Code!) ...
Most of Stanford’s on-campus computer science courses have a companion website. Some are only open to Stanford students. But many are open to everyone, allowing learners worldwide to access the course slides, readings, and assignments. And some even provide video lessons — for instance: ...
Real time system evaluation Computer Organization and Architecture Security Computer Graphics Image Processing and Computer Vision Computational Physics Computational Biology Quantum Computing Robotics and Control Computational Finance Blockchain Development Misc Courses Introduction to Computer Science CS 10 - The...
Note: All the Udemy courses listed below offer a30-daymoney-back guarantee, lifetime access to the course material, and a certificate on completion of training. 1. Computer Science 101: Learn Computer Science ThisComputer Science 101course is designed to enable students to become better programmers...
We thank you! About Us Open Culture scours the web for the best educational media. We find the free courses and audio books you need, the language lessons & educational videos you want, and plenty of enlightenment in between. Advertise With Us...
CS can be useful for many degree courses including biology, chemistry, economics, engineering, geology, mathematics, materials science, medicine, physics, psychology, and sociology. At the University of California, CS is considered foundational background for degrees from Physics to Cognitiv...
It is designed according to the degree requirements of undergraduate computer science majors, minus general education (non-CS) requirements, as it is assumed most of the people following this curriculum are already educated outside the field of CS. The courses themselves are among the very best ...