Computer Science and Engineering also known as CSE is one of the hottest career options for science students after 12th grade. Adegree in Computer Scienceis one of the preferred career choices for engineering aspirants in India. With technological advancements and the application of technology across...
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【书籍】Probability and Statistics for Computer Science #豆瓣 本书为计算机科学家全面而深入地讲解概率和统计学,特别强调模拟和离散决策理论。它使用计算机科学中非常基础的主题来举例说明理论,以便任何数学方面倾向的读者都能充分理解。 线性代数 Linear Algebra 线性代数是数学的一个分支,研究向量空间和线性映射的代数...
It's a good time to have a degree in computer science. And it's not just because, Google and Microsoft are paying big bucks to hire the best-and-brightest software developers and engineers.
ArvinBehshad. Hi, I'mArvinBehshad. CS Student | Tech Geek | Travel Enthusiast About me
Agriculture,Computer Vision,Courses,Data Science,Machine Learning,Mathematics,PyTorch,Tom Fawcett Bias in AI: A Primer- Jun 23, 2020. Those interested in studying AI bias, but who lack a starting point, would do well to check out this introductory set of slides and the accompanying talk on th...
. . . I am in awe of the simplicity of the math and science involved. It feels a lot like I am wielding magical powers that I’ve always thought were beyond my reach. [Gabriel Gambetta has] absolutely managed to demystify the process. I guess it’s a sort of ‘the power was within...
The combination of the software, hardware, and neural network problem domains exacerbates the difficulty of deep learning reengineering. The DL ecosystem is evolving, and practitioners have varying software environments and hardware configurations (Boehm and Beck2010). This variation makes it hard to rep...
I have a physics degree from Reed College, but discovered computers when Professor Nicolas Wheeler forced me to do a ray tracing program in 1984. It was 2D ray tracing to do a caustic on a Vax and writing out the picture to a green Techtonix terminal. This convinced me to go to grad...