具体包括最优化(optimization),计算几何和拓扑(computational geometry and topology),近似算法(approximation algorithms),密码(cryptography)和安全计算(secure computation),网络设计(network design),数据挖掘(data mining),机器学习(machine learning),有限元网格生成(finite-element mesh generation)和自动化软件验证(automat...
2019年US NEWS 计算机专业的专排第13,计算机专业共有14个方向,分别是Computer Architecture,Data Science,Database Systems,Graphics / Visual Computing,Human Computer Interaction,Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence,Networks,Numerical Analysis,Optimization,Programming Languages and Software Engi...
例如bigdata analysis, data mining等;一些课程等设置偏向computer science或engineering。
UDP也有它自己的头部数据,在自己的头部数据中放了端口号、校验和等重要信息。UDP会把自己的DATA部分全加在一起,计算出校验和放入头部,以便确认传输过程中是否出了差错,不过可惜UDP没有数据修复和数据重传的功能,UDP也无法知道数据包是否到达目的地。但是UDP简单速度快。 如果是邮件这种数据,就要求所有数据必须到达,不...
对计算机感兴趣的申请者一定会经常听到这样两个专业:计算机科学(Computer Science)和计算机工程(Computer...
the science that deals with the theory and methods of processing information in digital computers, the design of computer hardware and software, and the applications of computers. [1970–75] comput′er sci`entist, n. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries ...
Computer science is the study and development of the protocols required for automated processing and manipulation of data. This includes, for example, creating algorithms for efficiently searching large volumes of information or encrypting data so that it can be stored and transmitted securely. ...
Computer Science and Technology: Data Abstraction, Databases, and Conceptual Modelling: An Annotated BibliographyComputer Science and Technology: Data Abstraction, Databases, and Conceptual Modelling: An Annotated BibliographyData processingBibliographiesProgramming languagesArtificial...
Computer science, the study of computers and computing, including their theoretical and algorithmic foundations, hardware and software, and their uses for processing information. The discipline of computer science includes the study of algorithms and dat
感谢翻译!(排名不分先后) * 不想膨胀的小R * 糖醋陈皮 * ZireHao * gilot * 晴空 * Crazycat * Cindy * 出门去 * TMC - RN * LCAR979 3. https://github.com/1c7/crash-course-computer-science-chinese 展开更多 科技 计算机技术 Crash Course 计算机科学 Computer Science...