After the completion of your degree in Computer Science & Engineering, you can work in the field of database management, embedded systems, IT, telecommunication, multimedia,computer hardware& software implementation, computer hardware & software maintenance,gaming,web designingand other related industries....
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. animation - the condition of living or the state of being alive; "while there's life there's hope"; "life depends on many chemical and physical processes" aliveness, living, life being, beingness, existence - the...
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. computer game- a game played against a computer ...
The students of MSc Computer Science learn all aspects of computer science in detail such as programming, coding, testing, maintaining, and designing software and other computer science related subjects. The students get a good placement and career opportunities after doing MSc Computer Science ...
Also Check:Artificial Intelligence Courses After 12th Eligibility Criteria For admission to the MCA degree program, candidates need to fulfil below mentioned eligibility conditions: Students who have done their graduation in any discipline like Science, Commerce, Arts, Engineering,B.Tech (CSE)from any ...
After successful completion of this Diploma course, interested candidates can pursue their graduation and post graduation degree. Post graduate Diploma option is also open for these candidates in Computer Applications. Other short term courses related to computer software can be done like for languages ...
No matter the focus of a digital art program, be it a specialization within a traditional university art department, an extension of an established studio area, a commercial major, or other related areas, the curriculum must balance digital technology with other concerns. I see three ideas that...
input and output devices 10 important computer related terms computer networks difference between hardware and software fundamentals of computer computer abbreviations types of computer storage the computer storage unit is divided into three parts. given below are details about the three types of computer...
other related links high level computer languages basics of cloud computing ms office internet computer abbreviations computer hardware and software types of computer virus discussed below are the different types of computer viruses: boot sector virus – it is a type of virus that infects the boot ...
Students who have other commitments or who are working to support their finances can enroll in these courses for a career in computer application. What career opportunities are available with an online BCA Course?+ After completing your online BCA course, you can explore varied options like ...