Prerequisites: Candidates in the Masters in AI program should possess a solid understanding of Python programming concepts and basic statistical knowledge. This foundational knowledge is crucial for comprehending essential concepts in Machine Learning and AI. Price: ₹54000 Job Outlook...
Basic Data Processing and Visualization from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(1) Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne★★★☆☆(1) Introduction to Data Science with Python from Harvard University★★★☆(1) Bioinformatics: Introductio...
Understanding C helps you understand how programs and memory work. You don't need to go super deep in the book (or even finish it). Just get to where you're comfortable reading and writing in C. Python: Modern and very expressive, I learned it because it's just super useful and also...
Practical Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python Contents 1 Introduction 11 1.1 ProgramsandProgramming... 13 1.2 AFewDefinitions... 14 1.3 WhattoInstall... 14 1.4 ForInstructors... 15 1.5 Summary... 16 2 Hello,Python 17 2.1 TheBigPicture ... 17 2.2 Expressions... ...
Students learn how to use booleans and logical operators with control structures to make more advanced programs in Python. Functions and Parameters Students learn how to write reusable code with functions and parameters. Practice PT: Tell a Story ...
Practical Python and OpenCV is a non-intimidating introduction to basic image processing tasks in Python. While reading the book, it feels as if Adrian is right next to you, helping you understand the many code examples without getting lost in mathematical details. ...
6.001 - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, MIT Introduction to Computational Thinking - MIT CS 50 - Introduction to Computer Science, Harvard University ( CS 61A - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs [Python], UC Berkeley CPSC 110 - Systematic Program Design ...
Examples include Basic, C, Fortran, and Pascal. Object-oriented languages attempt to model the real world through the use of objects which combine methods and data. Examples include C++, Ruby, and Python; see the “Object Orientation” section below for more information. A procedural language ...
1.1 PIL—The Python Imaging Library The Python Imaging Library (PIL) provides general image handling and lots of useful basic image operations like resizing, cropping, rotating, color conversion and much more. PIL is free and available from With PIL, ...
Programming language:Python Computer:personal computers, laptops Operating system:Linux/Unix RAM:1 MB Classification:6.2, 6.5 Nature of problem:Management of computational tasks for scientific applications on heterogenous distributed systems, including local, batch farms, opportunistic clusters and Grids. ...