MTBF testing standards and test reports play a critical role in ensuring the reliability and performance of computer systems. By following standardized testing procedures and analyzing the test results, manufacturers and consumers can make informed decisions regarding the quality and durability of computer ...
Performance metrics for object detection are quantitative measures used to assess how accurate the algorithm works in computer vision. More specifically, these metrics evaluate the accuracy of detecting, locating, and classifying objects within an image or a video frame. This way, object detection eval...
4956 Accesses 6 Citations 1 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Score interchangeability of Computerized Fixed-Length Linear Testing (henceforth CFLT) and Paper-and-Pencil-Based Testing (henceforth PPBT) has become a controversial issue over the last decade when technology has meaningfully restructured...
The resource monitoring tools can then be monitored processor performance, memory performance, input / output (I / O) performance, and such network performance, various metrics performance over time to indicate the test virtual machine. Resource monitoring tool stores the metrics to be monitored, ...
Table 1 Performance metrics for 2D and 4D finger decoding Full size table Finger discrimination during closed-loop control was demonstrated on a 4D task cuing one finger group per trial. The mean velocity of the finger groups was calculated during the ‘Go’ period. The movement of the non-cu...
征稿 Researchers interested in submitting a special issue proposal should adhere to the Special Content Submission Guidelines. The International Journal on the Development and Application of Standards for Computers, Software Quality, Data Communications, Interfaces and Measurement The quality of software, wel...
10k Accesses 1 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Optimization algorithms are used to improve model accuracy. The optimization process undergoes multiple cycles until convergence. A variety of optimization strategies have been developed to overcome the obstacles involved in the learning process. Some of...
These performance metrics were averaged over models trained on each of the five folds. Furthermore, for the loss analysis, we subtracted the baseline loss (loss from the original model with intact inputs) from the loss obtained from the knockout perturbation for each region. Thus, a positive ...
27k Accesses 36 Citations 2 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Artificial intelligence has been successfully applied in various fields, one of which is computer vision. In this study, a deep neural network (DNN) was adopted for Facial emotion recognition (FER). One of the objectives in this ...
The resource monitoring tool can store the monitored metrics, provide select metrics to users, and use the metrics to manage the computer resource service. To accurately gauge the performance, the resource monitoring tool can select computer systems for testing that are representative of the computer...