Considering the time-varying state-dependent actuator attacks can be parameterized in the form of a neural network, a filter operator is firstly introduced to identify the unknown weight vectors. Then, an integral sliding-mode function is utilized to develop the attack tolerant controller, which can...
We are usually more interested in edges of an image as compared to smooth regions. Hence, edge and non-edge regions should be treated separately. To do so, we apply the Sobel operator to find the absolute gradient magnitude at each pixel of the given image (Iin) and then use a threshold...
An Intel core i5 processor handles the most demanding of jobs with ease, allowing you to decide how you want to most comfortably input data on the Samsung Series 7 Slate, by either touching or writing on the screen, alternatively typing on the full-featured keyboard. Weighing in at less ...
BCI2000 comprises four modules to handle brain signals: the source module to acquire signals, the processing module to treat EEG signals, the application module to take the user feedback, and the operator module. Furthermore, the BCI2000 configures the P300 speller window, such as the size ...
Department of Information Systems, College of Computer Science and Information Systems, Najran University, Najran 61441, Saudi Arabia 6 Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia ...