1Introduction: Attribution Research Causal Attribution research deals with the explanations people find in situations of success and failure forwhythings happened the way they did, and the extent ofcontrolthat people feel they have over external events [1]. The way people explain success or failur...
Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNIP,volume 11130)) Included in the following conference series: European Conference on Computer Vision 2146 Accesses Abstract In this paper we present an overview of the contributed work presented at the UAVision2018 ECCV workshop....
Lect Notes Comput Sci 2005;3384:35–49.10.1007/11493785_4Search in Google Scholar 29. Krasiński T, Sakowski S, Popławski T. Autonomous push-down automaton built on DNA. Informatica 2012;36:263–76.Search in Google Scholar 30. Benenson Y, Paz-Elizur T, Adar R, Keinan E, Livneh Z, ...
Informal notes were kept during this process. Then, a questionnaire was given to the players in order to rate the ease-of-use and the enjoyment scores using the Five Degrees of Happiness Smiley Face Likerts (SFL) scale. After, the researcher asked questions in an informal semi-structured ...