Twitter Google Share on Facebook neural computer n (Computer Science) another name forneurocomputer Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
It welcomes interdisciplinary approaches including not only artificial intelligence and jurisprudence, but also logic, machine learning, cognitive psychology, linguistics, or philosophy. 主要研究方向:LAW法学;COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE计算机:人工智能;COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS...
Mingolla. Computer simulations of neural networks for perceptual psychology. Be- havior Res. Meth., Instr. Computers, 6(18):601-607, 1986.Grossberg, S. and Mingolla, E. (1986) Computer simulations of neural networks for perceptual psychology. Behavior Research: Methods, Instruments and ...
CogSci Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference Psychology Press 交叉/综合/新兴 B BIBM IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine IEEE 交叉/综合/新兴 B EMSOFT International Conference on Embedded Software ACM/IEEE/IFIP 交叉/综合/新兴 B ISMB International conference on Intelligent Syst...
神经回路(neural circuit) 认知过程心理学(cognitive process psychology) 软件工程(software engineering) 出国留学(Study abroad) 第3年: 知识和推理(knowledge and reasoning) 单项工程(single project) 人机交互(Human-computer interaction) 动物和机器的智能(The intelligence of animals and machines) ...
The invention of the modern computer has increased interdisciplinarity through the creation of cognitive science, consisting of artificial intelligence, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, and neuroscience. However, sociology is notably absent from that list. Electronic mail and the Internet ...
38. 计算机心理学 - Psychology of Computing 12:39 39. 教育科技-Educational Technology 11:52 40.奇点,天网,计算机的未来-The Singularity, Skynet, and the Future of Computing12:30 YouTube -- CrashCourse频道出品 Crash Course Computer Science,是趣味科普计算机相关知识的一门课程(由youtube——CrashCours...
Computer vision is an interdisciplinary field involving engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, and psychology. It focuses on addressing how computers obtain a high-level interpretation of digital images and videos. Computer vision includes extensive subfields, such as object tracking, motion estimation...
Computer vision is an interdisciplinary field involving engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, and psychology. It focuses on addressing how computers obtain a high-level interpretation of digital images and videos. Computer vision includes extensive subfields, such as object tracking, motion estimation...