The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) is a product of the Open Systems Interconnection effort at the International Organization for Standardization. It is a way of sub-dividing a communications system into smaller parts called layers. A layer is a collection of co...
Collected by Bill Chen, 2019.12, East China Normal University 原文地址: Chapter 1 Overview 7– layer OSI Model 计算机网络:将分散的,具有独立功能的计算机系统通过通信设备与线路连接起来有完整的软件实现资源共享和信息传递 计算机网络是互联的,自治的...
Though TCP/IP is more directly applicable to networking,the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model—sometimes called the OSI reference model—has also had a substantial impact on computer networking and computer science, writ broadly. OSI is a conceptual model that divides network communication into...
欢迎收听Computer Networking 计算机网络的科技类最新章节声音“Computer Networking Tutorial - 17 - More on OSI Model”。1.网络层次划分2.OSI七层网络模型3.IP地址4.子网掩码及网络划分5.ARP/RARP协议6.路由选择协议7.T...
This text covers networks for all of these uses 1.1.1 Business Applications Companies use networks and computers forresource sharingwith theclient-servermodel: 电子邮件 IP电话:员工们之间可以通过计算机网络打电话,而不必再通过电话公司。 如果采用了Internet技术则称为IP语音(VoIP,Voice over IP) ...
各小节的内容依次是:计算机网络的使用(Uses of computer networks),网络硬件(Network hardware),网络软件(Network software),参考模型(Reference models),OSI与TCP/IP参考模型的比较(A comparison of the OSIand TCP/IP reference models),网络举例(Example networks),网络标准化(Network standardization),度量单位(...
1.4.1 the osi reference model, 1.4.2 the tcp/ip reference model, 1.4.3 the model used in this book, 1.4.4 a comparison of the osi and tcp/ip reference models, 1.4.5 a critique of the osi model and protocols, 1.4.6 a critique of the tcp/ip reference model, 1.5 example networks,...
ISO/OSIreferencemodel •presentation:allowapplicationstointerpretmeaningofdata,e.g.,encryption,compression,machinespecificconventions•session:synchronization,checkpointing,recoveryofdataexchange•Internetstack“missing”theselayers!theseservices,ifneeded,mustbeimplementedinapplication ProtocolFunctions ••Smallset...
(Day and Zimmermann,1983) (ISO OSI Model) lRevised in 1995 (Day, 1995) 2021-7-1797 The physical layer The physical layer is concerned with transmitting raw bits over a communication channel.(透明的传 送比特流,传送单位为比特) Function 机械特性机械特性 指明接口所用接线器的形状和尺寸、引线...
and information. This chapter discusses how computer systems communicate through the use of computer networks. The chapter lists the benefits of networking computers, and explains the difference between a LAN and a WAN. It explains the seven layers of theOSIReference Model and lists common protocols...