对局域网(LAN),城域网(MAN),广域网(WAN)的新设计贡献,包括有线,无线,移动,蜂窝,传感器,光学,IP,ATM和其他相关网络技术,以及新的交换技术和集成 各种网络范式。2.通信网络协议:除物理层外,所有协议层的新设计贡献,考虑上述所有类型的网络及其性能评估;与介质访问控制、错误控制、路由、资源发现、组播、拥塞和...
router一般会把broadcast挡掉,不然你一个broadcast,要把全世界都瘫痪掉了。 17) LAN (Local Area Networks) 18) MAN (Metropolitan Area Networks) 19) WAN (Wide Area Networks) 2. How datagrams are delivered in an Internet ? Datagram,资料包,又称数据包、数据报、数据电报、数据段,在封包交换网络(packa...
(1992). Data allocation design in computer networks: LAN versus MAN versus WAN. Annals of Operations Research, 36(1), 125-149.R. Liu Sheng and H. Lee. Data allocation design in computer networks: LAN vemus MAN vemus WAN. Annols of Operations Research, S&125-150 (1992)....
Study the networks that handle the distributed processing of computer networks, including the personal area network (PAN), local area network (LAN), metropolitan area network (MAN), and wide area network (WAN). Networks of Different Sizes In a typical day, you probably use several different ...
Types of Computer Networks 1. Local Area Network (LAN) : • Covers a small geographical area, like a home, office, or building. • High-speed and low latency. • Commonly uses Ethernet cables or Wi-Fi. 2. Wide Area Network (WAN) : ...
Geographic distribution:There are different kinds of networks that can be used based on the area or distance of communication. Example: LAN, WAN, MAN. Rate of data transfer:Data can be transferred between different devices without any delay or without stopping. ...
局域网LAN:办公楼群或一定场地内的网络。校园网络、企业内部网络 城域网MAN:城市范围内所建立的计算机网络。有线城域网、无线城域网 广域网WAN:覆盖多个城市或地区的网络。省电信骨干网 星际互联网IPN:覆盖多个星球,向太空纵深发展的网络,传输延迟巨大
Typically, computer networks are defined by geographical area. A local area network (LAN) connects computers in a defined physical space, while awide area network(WAN) can connect computers across continents. However, networks are also defined by the protocols they use to communicate, the physical...
1.2.4 Wide Area Networks (广域网) Connect devices over a country Example WAN connecting three branch offices: 上图为一个公司的广域网。 我们将按照传统的说法把这些机器称为主机,然后把连接这些主机的网络其余部分称为通信子网,或简称为子网。
广域网WAN、城域网MAN、局域网WAN、个人区域网PAN 按照使用者分类:公用网、专用网(军队、政府、铁路、公安) 按照交换技术:电路交换、报文交换、分组交换 按照拓补结构分: 按传输方式:广播式、点对点 标准化 标准化相关工作 法定标准:Eg. OSI 事实标准:Eg. TCP/IP ...