[in] lpComputerName下次启动计算机时将生效的计算机名称。 名称不能超过MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH个字符。标准字符集包括字母、数字和以下符号: ! @ # $ % ^ & ' ( . - _ { } ~ . 如果此参数包含一个或多个超出标准字符集的字符,SetComputerName 返回ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER。
[out] LPSTR ComputerName, [in, out] LPDWORD nSize ); 参数 [in] Hostname DNS 名称。 如果 DNS 名称不是有效的可转换名称,则函数将失败。 有关详细信息,请参阅计算机名称。 [out] ComputerName 指向接收计算机名称的缓冲区的指针。 缓冲区大小应足够大,可以包含MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 个字符。 [...
ComputerNameNetBIOS The NetBIOS name of the local computer or the cluster associated with the local computer. This name is limited to MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 characters and may be a truncated version of the DNS host name. For example, if the DNS host name is "corporate-mail-server"...
Maximum length for a computer name. Namespace:Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Common Assembly:Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Common (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Common.dll) Syntax C# publicconstintMaxComputerNameSize Remarks ...
What is the maximum length of a computer name in Windows? What is the maximum number of messages that MSMQ can hold? What is the meaning of private bytes and working set columns of process explorer ? What is the MTU size of loopback? What is the order or precedence when security is ap...
The ComputerNameOrAddressProperty type represents a computer name, an IPv4 address in string format if the server supports
path name 路径名 path validation 路径验证 pattern recognition 模式识别 pause 暂停 payload 净荷 PBA (password-based authentication) 基于密码的验证 PBX (private branch exchange) 专[私]用小交换机 PC1 (personal computer) 个人电脑 PC2 (program counter) 程序计数器 ...
bash scripts/apptainer_run_lsh.sh \ --config configs/rp_v2.0.conf \ --dump_id"2022-49"\ --input_base_uri"file:///path/to/data/root"\ --output_dir"/path/to/output"\ --similarity"<similarity_threshold>"\ --listings"/minhash/listings/file.txt"\ --max_docs -1 ...
You could change computer name to any other what you like, this DESKTOP-xxxxx is just a random name that comes from Pre-install system, just ignore it.If you reinstall system by yourself, you will have a chance to customize computer name during OOBE....