computer misuse act 读音:美英 computer misuse act基本解释 计算机滥用法;电脑滥用条例;电脑滥用法令;电脑滥用法案 分词解释 computer(电子)计算机,电脑 misuse使用…不当 act行动
The U.K. is in the midst of a multi-year review of its primary anti-hacking statute, theComputer Misuse Act (CMA). The CMA was originally enacted in 1990 and it has been updated several times to reflect continued changes in technology and cybersecurity. The current review of the CMA is...
By Ilona Cohen, Chief Policy Officer, and Michael Woolslayer, Policy Counsel The U.K. is in the midst of a multi-year review of its primary anti-hacking statute, the Computer Misuse Act (CMA)...
Simpson, C. (2006). Review of computer misuse laws essential to keep up with rapidly developing market. Computer Weekly, 14. Retrieved from essential-to-keep-up-with-rapidly-developing-market...
Knowing what the Computer Misuse Act is helps you understand how and when legislation keeps your systems safe
The-Computer-Misuse-Act-1990 TheComputerMisuseAct1990 1 FatMax2007.LicensedunderaCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike2.5License ComputerMisuseAct1990 4keypointsyouneedtolearn/understand/revise 1.Reasons 4.Problems ComputerMisuseAct 2.OffenceLevels 3.Punishments FatMax2007.LicensedunderaCreative...
The-Computer-Misuse-Act网络计算机滥用法;电脑误用法案 网络释义 1. 计算机滥用法 如英国政府分别于1984年和1990年颁布实施了《计算机滥用法》(《The Computer Misuse Act》)和《数据保护法》(《The…|基于42个网页 2. 电脑误用法案 而为了保护智慧财产权,亦积极修订智慧产财权法及电脑误用法案(Th...
Computer-Misuse-Act-1990PPT优秀课件 ComputerMisuseAct1990 Anti-hackinglegislation Background •Nolawsspecificallytodealwithcomputercrimepriorto1990 •Otherlawstriedinstead•Examples.•CoxvRiley1986(CriminalDamageAct1971)•R.vWhitely1990(CriminalDamageAct1971)•R.vGoldandAnother(ForgeryandCounterfeiting...
The Computer Misuse Act was enacted to close loopholes that fraudsters were exploiting with legal immunity. It has not provided a blanket of protection for information security. Remember that most breaches of information security are 'low-tech.' The law still does not protect us from the snooper...
The courts disagreed on whether this applied to individuals who misuse information obtained from a computer or digital database they were permitted to access. In the case, the court annulled Van Buren’s conviction and ruled that the CFAA could not hold employees liable for misusing sensitive ...