can be accessed from within desktop publishing software or imported from other commercially available programs. This text is a perfect example of the use of desktop publishing. Without this software, can you imagine the added work “typing” this entire manuscript on a manual or electric typewriter...
using the basic steps of gesture recognition as the main consideration. “Experimental Evaluation” will present several evaluation metrics for gesture recognition and segmentation. With the emergence of depth cameras, there has been significant growth in studies of gesture...
Indexed In:INSPECand 12 more indices Published:Semi-Annually|Established:2011 ISSN:2155-5028|EISSN:2155-5036|DOI:10.4018/IJSSS Out of print. Description & Scope Description: The International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems (IJSSS) combines interdisciplinary approaches on theoretical, empirical,...
In this manuscript, we have systematically reviewed the available literature on the use of computer vision in the diagnosis and treatment of LBP. A systematic research of PubMed electronic database was performed. The search strategy was set as the combinations of the following keywords: “...
There is a clear need to strengthen the diagnosis and consequent otolaryngological treatment in health systems. The accurate diagnosis of middle and external ear diseases is challenging due to similar signs and symptoms between several pathologies. In addition, for almost all cases is necessary an ...
Note that the × in a floating-point number is part of the notation, and different from a floating-point multiply operation. The meaning of the × symbol should be clear from the context. For example, the expression (2.5 × 10-3) × (4.0 × 102) involves only a single floating-point...
(one is half occluded); a building, some lamp posts; some trees; and some road signs. This focus on objects may have distracted us from the fact that large amounts of the images are “stuff” categories, such as road surface and grass. The cows are on the grass, which makes sense ...
Study concept and design: Hannon, Saha, Downs, Carroll. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors. Drafting of the manuscript: Hannon. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors. Statistical analysis: Saha. Obtained funding: Hannon, Saha,...
[31,44,45,46,47,48]. Similarly, we trained models for the purpose of rapid triage using laboratory blood tests and vital signs, as these are routinely collected during the first hour of patients attending emergency care in hospitals in middle- to high-income countries [45]. The feature ...
calculus and his first calculations were clumsy(笨拙 的). In 1675, he wrote a manuscript using the integral notation for the first time. 1673-1675,我国处于清朝康熙(1662-1723)年 间。玄烨下令撤藩,吴三桂发动叛乱﹐耿精忠﹑尚之 信举兵响应。