在Windows10系统的桌面上右键点击【此电脑】-【管理】,弹出一个错误提示框: Windows 找不到文件 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Computer Management.lnk'。请确定文件名是否正确后,再试一次。解决方法: 第一步:下载、安装《软媒魔方》软件(略)。 (安装...
具体如下:1. 首先第一步打开【此电脑】窗口,根据下图箭头所指,依次进入【C-Windows-System32】文件夹,找到并点击【compmgmt.msc】选项。2. 第二步单击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单栏中根据下图所示,点击【创建快捷方式】选项。3. 第三步在弹出的窗口中,根据下图所示,点击【是】选项,将快捷方式放到...
方法/步骤 1 打开电脑C盘路径C:\Windows\System32,找到compmgmt.msc文件 2 给compmgmt.msc文件创建一个快捷键选择文件compmgmt.msc,右键“创建快捷方式”3 弹出提示“无法在当前位置创建快捷方式,是否创建到桌面”,选择是。然后在桌面生成了一个快捷文件 4 重新命名这个快捷方式文件,选中桌面上“compmgmt.msc”快捷...
Windows找不到文件“C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Computer Management.lnk'。请确认文件名是否正确后,再试一次 1.复制以下里边的内容,放入记事本,另存为(**.reg)文件,双击导入注册表就可以了 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Windows ...
当右键计算机-管理,提示:Windows找不到文件’C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Computer Management.lnk’。请确定文件名是否正确后,再试一次。如上图。 方法一(推荐) 复制虚线里边的内容,放入记事本,另存为(**.reg)文件,双击导入注册表就可以了 ...
I have an issue where ordinary users cannot remotely view Groups under Local Users and Groups via Computer Management on other Windows 10 computers. This works on Windows 7 computers. I have checked the security options in the group policy and have also tried some various settings. Anybody who...
Applicable products: PC,Desktop Applicable system: Windows 10, Windows 11 Huawei PC Manager is a computer management app that provides a wide range of features, including system detection, driver management, customer service, and phone connectivity. It helps you troubleshoot technical issues, ...
Through analysing the deficiency of student's management of one school, have established a set of effectual computer management. 通过分析某一学校学生管理工作的不足,创建了一套行之有效的计算机管理。 www.pclwsj.com 10. The system breaks through traditional public bid-inviting model and realizes comput...
Applicable products: PC,Desktop Applicable system: Windows 10, Windows 11 Huawei PC Manager is a computer management app that provides a wide range of features, including system detection, driver management, customer service, and phone connectivity. It helps you troubleshoot technical issues, ...
Windows 10 is known for keeping users in tune with once-a-day update checks. This automated scan occurs in the background and always notifies you if there are any important software or operating system patches that need to be made. The end goal is to optimize your PC performance, so when...