Stanford Seminar: Time Traveling Hardware and Software Systems from Stanford University Stanford Seminar: HPC Opportunities in Deep Learning – Greg Diamos, Baidu from Stanford University Stanford Seminar – Instruction execution on the Mill CPU from Stanford University Stanford Seminar – Mostly Missless...
I've not seen it mentioned elsewhere yet, but Carrie Anne Philbin (Raspberry Pi Foundation) in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios, appears to have created a crash course in computer science on YouTube."Starting February 22nd, Carrie Anne Philbin will
the first computer programmer ep2. Electronic Computing 继电器 应用:Harvard Mark 1--one of the largest electro-mechanical computers 特点: 速度慢:1秒能做3次加减运算,1次乘法6秒,除法15秒 齿轮磨损:需要频繁地检查并更换故障继电器 真空管--改进继电器 热电子管——替代继电器的新电子组件:一极可加热并发射...
Learning about big machine learning requires big data and big hardware. On this site, I focus on beginners starting out in machine learning, who are much better off with small data on small hardware. Once you get enough of the machine learning, you can graduate to the bigger problems. ...
配套教材为:Computer Organization and Design:The Hardware/Software Interface RISC-V EDITION Free PDF Copy 【课程】Princeton: Computer Architecture #Coursera 数据结构与算法 Data Structure and Algorithms 在计算机科学的教育和实际应用中,数据结构与算法的学习是重要的基础。它们为程序员提供了解决实际问题的工具和...
Embedded computing systems are designed to run one application or one set of related applications that are normally integrated with the hardware and delivered as a single system; thus, despite the large number of embedded computers, most users never really see that they are using a computer!
视频CrashCourse字幕组 上面的计算机科学速成课很好用,我亲自看了几集(也睡了很久),用英语讲了很多关于计算机的基本知识,从Hardware(硬件)到Algorithms(算法),好像讲了哈夫曼树之类的(这个在a-level CS的coursebook的part1也有一部分提到),看看视频不仅学a-level CS英语还学了很多计算机科学的内容,一举两得。
Future of Hardware Acceleration in an On-Demand Economy: Industry Perspective from eASIC, Intel, IBS 59 B1 05:56 CES 2016: NVIDIA DRIVE PX 2 - World's First In-Car AI Supercomputer (part 1) 92 B1 04:41 Best CES 2017 Tech Deals - DON'T miss these! 60 B1 02:28 Intel...
Hardware is the most visible part of any information system: the equipment such as computers, scanners and printers that is used to capture data, transform it and present it to the user as output. Although we will focus mainly on the personal computer (PC) and the peripheral devices that ar...
Scalability and System Design are very large topics with many topics and resources, since there is a lot to consider when designing a software/hardware system that can scale. Expect to spend quite a bit of time on this Considerations: Scalability Distill large data sets to single values Tran...