Students in a computer science major enter the dynamic world of technology, studying topics like artificial intelligence, software design and computer graphics. By the time majors complete their degrees, they will have the skills to examine complex problems with computer tools. What Is a Computer Sc...
A somewhat dated analysis from the University of Alabama gives a bit of insight. To a first approximation, if you crash at a given speed, your probability of dying doubles each time you add 10 mph to that speed. This is to say that doubles each time you increase your speed by 10 mph...
IntheSchoolo EducationattheUni- versityo AlabamaatBirmingham,edu- cationmajorsmusttakeastand-alone introductoryeducationalcomputing course.Studentsalsohaveopportuni- tiestobeexposedtotechnologyuses inmethodscourses.Thelevelo their Stand-aloneComputerCoursesin Teachers’ITTraining ShouldteachersintraininglearnITskills...