file, file manager, filename, firewall, FireWire, firmware, flag, flops or floating-point operations per second, flowchart, freeware, front-end processor, FTP or file transfer protocol, function, function key, fuzzy, gate, gateway, gif, giga-, gigabyte, global search, graphical user interface...
Below is an alphabetical list of links to thousands of file extensions and brief descriptions currently listed on Computer Hope. For the file extension you are looking for, click the first letter of the file extension. For example, if you're looking for information about an .EXE file, click...
To set the file types and MIME types that you want to force users to save before they access them, clickForce Save, and then set the file name extensions and MIME values on theForce Save Listpage. For unknown file types, select an option from the list in theUnknown Filesbox. SelectAllow...
Tip:If your Outlook Data File (.pst) becomes large it can slow down your OneDrive sync and may show "Processing changes" or "A file is in use". LearnHow to remove an Outlook .pst data file from OneDrive. How to unhide folders and file name extensions S...
VirtualMachineScaleSetVMExtensionsSummary VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceExtension VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceIDs VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceRequiredIDs VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration VirtualMachineScaleSetVMProfile VirtualMachineSca...
ls list names of all files in current directory rm remove file rmdir remove directory mv move or rename file or dir more browse through a text file cat reads each filename in sequence and displays it on screen who who is logged in on the system finger display information about users last...
List Box Controls PROPID_MGMT_MSMQ_TYPE Macros Macros Macros EodNoAckCount IDockingWindowSite Functions Up-Down Control Reference Messages Messages Messages IRunnableTask PROPID_Q_TRANSACTION Namespace Extensions Shell Classes IDropTargetHelper PROPID_M_DEADLETTER_QUEUE_LEN ITranscodeImage MSMQMessage.IsAuth...
In the Outlook folder, find your Auto-Complete List (.nk2) file. Note:By default, file extensions are hidden in Windows. To change whether file extensions are shown, in Window Explorer on theToolsmenu (in Windows 7 or Windows Vista, press the ALT key to see theTool...
extensions order replacement parts shopping help order support existing order help check order status lenovo return policy technical support pc support data center support smart devices support motorola mobile support forums all technical support customer support help placing an order warranty extensions ... ISO extensions to ASCII ASCII was developed to encode all of the most commonly used characters in North American English text. The encoding uses only 128 of the 256 codes that are available in an 8-bit byte. ASCII does not include symbols frequently used in other countries, such as...