code, COM, command, command language, communications, compatible, compiler, complex instruction set computerorCISC, computer-aided designorCAD, computer-aided design and manufactureorCADCAM, computer-aided engineeringorCAE, computer-aided instructionorCAI, computer-aided (or -assisted) learningorCAL, compu...
flowchart, freeware, front-end processor, FTP or file transfer protocol, function, function key, fuzzy, gate, gateway, gif, giga-, gigabyte, global search, graphical user interface, graphics, hacker, hand-held computer, handshake, hard card, hard copy, hardware, hard-wired, help screens, hexa...
code, COM, command, command language, communications, compatible, compiler, complex instruction set computerorCISC, computer-aided designorCAD, computer-aided design and manufactureorCADCAM, computer-aided engineeringorCAE, computer-aided instructionorCAI, computer-aided (or -assisted) learningorCAL, compu...
flowchart, freeware, front-end processor, FTP or file transfer protocol, function, function key, fuzzy, gate, gateway, gif, giga-, gigabyte, global search, graphical user interface, graphics, hacker, hand-held computer, handshake, hard card, hard copy, hardware, hard-wired, help screens, hexa...
flowchart, freeware, front-end processor, FTP or file transfer protocol, function, function key, fuzzy, gate, gateway, gif, giga-, gigabyte, global search, graphical user interface, graphics, hacker, hand-held computer, handshake, hard card, hard copy, hardware, hard-wired, help screens, hexa...
flowchart, freeware, front-end processor, FTP or file transfer protocol, function, function key, fuzzy, gate, gateway, gif, giga-, gigabyte, global search, graphical user interface, graphics, hacker, hand-held computer, handshake, hard card, hard copy, hardware, hard-wired, help screens, hexa...
flowchart, freeware, front-end processor, FTP or file transfer protocol, function, function key, fuzzy, gate, gateway, gif, giga-, gigabyte, global search, graphical user interface, graphics, hacker, hand-held computer, handshake, hard card, hard copy, hardware, hard-wired, help screens, hexa...
flowchart, freeware, front-end processor, FTP or file transfer protocol, function, function key, fuzzy, gate, gateway, gif, giga-, gigabyte, global search, graphical user interface, graphics, hacker, hand-held computer, handshake, hard card, hard copy, hardware, hard-wired, help screens, hexa...
flowchart, freeware, front-end processor, FTP or file transfer protocol, function, function key, fuzzy, gate, gateway, gif, giga-, gigabyte, global search, graphical user interface, graphics, hacker, hand-held computer, handshake, hard card, hard copy, hardware, hard-wired, help screens, hexa...
robotics Article Smart Agricultural Machine with a Computer Vision-Based Weeding and Variable-Rate Irrigation Scheme Chung-Liang Chang * ID and Kuan-Ming Lin Department of Biomechatronics Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung 91201, Taiwan; * ...