RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 1 LINDA: multi-agent local information decomposition for awareness of teammates Cao, Jiahan; Yuan, Lei; Wang, Jianhao; Zhang, Shaowei; Zhang, Chongjie; Yu, Yang; Zhan, De-Chuan Sci China Inf Sci, 2023, 66(8)...
SCI: 2023 Impact Factor 2.1; Scopus CiteScore (Impact per Publication 2023): 5.3; SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper 2023): 0.73; Ei Compendex; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; INSPEC Databases; Science Navigator; EBSCOhost; ProQuest Central; Zentralblatt für Mathematik; Portico, etc.Latest...
In this paper, we first analyze a real storage system consisting of 72 SSDs utilizing either Hardware RAID (HW-RAID) or Software RAID (SW-RAID), and show that SW-RAID is up to 7× faster. We then reveal that with an increasing number of SSDs, the limited I/O parallelism in SAS co...
Our work not only obtains a partial correlation based deep visual representation but also mitigates the small sample problem frequently encountered by covariance matrix estimation in CNN. Computationally, our model can be effectively trained with GPU and works well with a large number of channels in ...
Traditional CV Lentil; Single seed and bulk Prediction of seed size traits and mass Size MLR Diameter: R2 = 0.97, Single seed mass: R2 = 0.96, Bulk sample mass: R2 > 0.99 (LeMasurier et al., 2014) Common bean; Single seed Discrimination among three cultivars Frequency histograms from...
(ROIs) could be extremely useful, providing a significant time-savings as such ROIs may only cover a small fraction of the sample[27]. Provision of image metrics such as cell density[28], mitotic event counts[29], and nuclear shape metrics[30,31]could also be useful since errors in cell...
Write code on a whiteboard or paper, not a computer. Test with some sample inputs. Then type it and test it out on a computer. If you don't have a whiteboard at home, pick up a large drawing pad from an art store. You can sit on the couch and practice. This is my "sofa whit...
Sample of user feedback* “Bvckup 2 is one of the best pieces of software I’ve used in the last 35 years. Does what you said; solves my problem; Fast.†Michael Fuller “A truly beautiful, precise and well-executed piece of software.†Riyad Kalla â...
The survey was conducted with a sample of managers from different areas of companies that, as a common factor, have engineers on their staff. The rest of the variables are independent, involving companies with annual turnover volumes ranging from less than 10 to over 1 billion, as well as ...
Artificial intelligence has been successfully applied in various fields, one of which is computer vision. In this study, a deep neural network (DNN) was adopted for Facial emotion recognition (FER). One of the objectives in this study is to identify the