1 Windows10系统的Computer Browser服务,系统默认服务状态为:已停止,且点击【启动】后,不到1分钟又停止运行。2 Windows10系统的Computer Browser服务启动后又停止解决方法第一步:启用Windows Firewall服务(Windows防火墙)。右键点击系统桌面左下角的【开始】,点击【运行】,在运行对话框中输入:services.msc命令,...
第三步:最后我们需要启动Windows10系统的Computer Browser服务。 步骤一:在最后关键时刻,我们进入本地服务窗口,找到Computer Browser服务,左键双击:Computer Browser; 步骤二:之后在Computer Browser的属性窗口,在下面的服务状态下拉菜单中,点击“启动(S)”; 步骤三:我们需要在等待2分钟左右,看看Computer Browser的服务状...
5、Computer Browser 的属性窗口中,将启动类型从手动改为自动,然后点击确定; 6、重启电脑后,再点击网络,就可以正常显示局域网中的其他电脑了; 以上就是Win10看不到局域网电脑|找不到Computer Browser服务文章,如果这篇文章的方法能帮到你,那就收藏白云一键重装系统网站,在这里会不定期给大家分享常用装机故障解决方法...
接着我打开“事件查看器”(Event Viewer)观察系统日志,令我惊讶的是日志显示了每次启动Computer Browser之后,再次进入网上邻居失败后,Computer Browser服务就会因超时而自动停止。这究竟是什么原因呢?于是我搜索了下互联网,偶然看到一篇文章中说,如果Windows自带防火墙(Windows Firewall)中的“文件和打印共享”例外项被取消...
1、打不开网络共享Computer Browser自动停止,开机不自动启动或自动启动不成功.近来偶尔要用到Windows网上邻居功能,却发现居然无法使用了。于是 立马检查本机组策略设置(Gpedit.msc),发现都没问题。继而再去检查 计算机“服务”(Services.msc)的Server、Workstation和Computer Browser三个项目,发现Server、Workstation都正常...
问题:电脑访问局域网有问题,服务里的Computer Browser的时候启动不了,开启Computer browser 提示说”服务启动后又停止,一些服务服务自动停止,如果没什么可作,如:性能日志和警报服务" Server 和workstation 服务都开着。 解决方法:在控制面板打开打开Windows 防火墙-例外-在\"文件和打印机共享\"打上对勾点确定就OK了 ...
I am using Windows 11 Home version 23H2. The computer will freeze when I am using any browser. This freeze will cause the computer to reboot. There is no common website to the freeze, and it will go days without. It will then freeze multiple times in a ...
The type of browser you use is not the only thing that may be slowing down your computer when you’re using the web. If you have a full cache that has not been emptied in a while, then you’ll want to visit your settings and make sure that it’s empty. ...
We have a Windows server 2019 datacenter server running NPS. Our WiFi Office clients authenticate to this server for access to the corporate WiFi network. We...
Saturday, October 6, 2018 5:11 PMThere was one Windows 10 computer on the network that had SMB 1.0 enabled. I stopped the browser service and went to Add / Remove Features and unchecked smb1.0. Restarted PC when prompted and the "Network Neighborhood" for lack of a better term is ...