In computer arithmetic two fundamental design principles are of great importance: number representation and the implementation of algebraic operations [25, 26, 27, 28, 29]. We will first discuss possible number representations, (e.g., fixed-point or floating-point), then basic operations like ...
■5 浮点算术 Floating-point arithmetic ■6 计算机上浮点算术的实现 Implementation of floating-point arithmetic on a computer ■7 区间算术的硬件支持 Hardware support for interval arithmetic ■8 标量积和完备算术 Scalar products and complete arithmetic ■■Ⅲ 可验证计算的原理 Pinciples of verified comput...
The book is a systematic presentation of main algorithms available for performing basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in both fixed- and floating-point presentation) as well as more complex operations such as square root, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric ...
It includes integer arithmetic, fixed-point arithmetic, and the arithmetic this book focuses on: floating-point (FP) arithmetic, which will be more thoroughly described in Chapter 1. For now, let us say that it is the common way computers approximate real numbers and that it is described in...
The section Relative Error and Ulps describes how it is measured. Since most floating-point calculations have rounding error anyway, does it matter if the basic arithmetic operations introduce a little bit more rounding error than necessary? That question is a main theme throughout this section. ...
[17] 浮点数表示 Floating-Point Representations [18] 浮点数运算 Floating-Point Operations [19] 误差与误差控制 Errors and Error Control [20] 精确可靠的算术 Precise and Certifiable Arithmetic [第六部分] 特殊函数求值 FUNCTION EVALUATION [21] 平方根算法 Square Rooting Methods ...
计算机组成与结构:lecture 9 Computer Arithmetic.pdf,Computer Arithmetic Zhao Fang Computer Organization Architecture -for the college students Goal for Today The Arithmetic and Logic Unit Integer Representation Integer Arithmetic Floating-Point Represent
Fill in the blanks1 arithmetic operations, logical operations2 instructions3 disk, tape, CD4 fixed point floating point5 3755, 30086 input devices7 48 19 input10 address11 bitmap representation, vector notation12 813 baseline, cycle, amplitude14 sampling freq 8、uency and quantization accuracyThree...
Floating-point arithmetic is ubiquitous in modern computing, as it is the tool of choice to approximate real numbers. Due to its limited range and precision, its use can become qui ... read full description Purchase book Share this bookBrowse...
Stanford Seminar: Beyond Floating Point: Next Generation Computer Arithmetic from Stanford University Stanford Seminar: Deep Learning in the Age of Zen, Vega, and Beyond from Stanford University Stanford Lecture – Don Knuth: The Analysis of Algorithms (2015, recreating 1969) from Stanford University ...