9-User Classes and Interfaces 9-1 System Call Interface 9-2 Command-Line Interface(CLI) 9-3 Job Control Language Interface 9-4 Graphical User Interface(GUI) 9-5 Touchscreen Interface 1-Storage Structure and Memory Hierarchy 存储结构和内存层次结构 CPU 只能从内存中加载指令。主存储器是可重写 RAM...
(2)操作系统(Operating system):分布式资源管理,普适计算(ubiquitous computing/pervasive computing)环境管理,反射中间件(reflective middleware),中间件元级操作系统(middleware “meta-operating systems”),面向对象操作系统设计,允许单个用户与多计算机、对等操作系统服务交互的用户设计,上下文敏感的分布式文件系统,数据中心...
Computer Architecture计算机系统结构 Refers to those attributes of a system visible to a programmer, or those attributes have direct impact on logical execution of program.程序员可见,或者对程序执行有直接影响的属性 Implementation实现 Two components: Organization and hardware.两个组件:组织和硬件 1.Organizat...
PhillipsJr.JohnT.Records Management QuarterlyR. Sites. Operating Systems and Computer Architec- ture. In H. Stone, editor, Introduction to Computer Architecture, 2nd edition, Chapter 12, 1980. Science Research Associates.
2.computer architecture- (computer science) the structure and organization of a computer's hardware or system software; "the architecture of a computer's system software" architecture structure- the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts; "artists must study the structu...
computer software technologies interact to create a computer platform or system. When you think of the word architecture, you think of building a house or structure. With that same principle in mind, architecture in computers involves building a computer and all that goes into a computer system....
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics(人工智能与机器人) Human-Computer Interaction (人机交互) Programming Language(程序语言) Software Engineering(软件工程) Information Security(信息安全) Privacy and Security(计算机隐私与安全) Computer Architecture and Engineering(计算机体系结构与工程) Computer Graphics(计算机图形...
universally refers to automated electronicmachinery. The first section of this article focuses on modern digital electronic computers and their design,constituentparts, and applications. The second section covers the history of computing. For details oncomputer architecture,software, and theory,seecomputer ...
3.2 Operating System Architecture A Software Survey Components of an Operating System 操作系统 = UI + kernel 两类UI:shell(键盘显示器,文本)vs. GUI kernel 文件管理(斜线:windows左,网址、LINUX右 ) 设备驱动:和controller通讯的软件 内存管理:管理主存。paging:把待处理信息在主存和硬盘之间来回倒,制造虚拟...
Computersystemsanintegratedapproachtoarchitectureand 系统标签: sendsarchitecturemessageclientintegratedinterrupt COMPUTERSYSTEMSAnIntegratedApproachtoArchitectureandOperatingSystemsChapter1Introduction©Copyright2008UmakishoreRamachandranandWilliamD.LeahyJr.What’sInsidetheBox?LevelsofAbstractionHardwareSoftwareInterfaceFromElectron...