Information technology, information and network technologies, and security systems are all different fields within this program. Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology Through hands-on and theoretical coursework, students learn about security strategies and are able to design and evaluate se...
it now has dozens of majors. Whether you’re looking for a bachelor’s degree, an online master’s in computer science, or an undergraduate degree or master’s degree in another field, you’ll find plenty to choose from here. The school has more than 5,500 undergraduate and graduate stud...
A bachelor's degree with an average of 50% or higher marks would be an ideal candidate. It is also preferable for them to have at least 2 years of formal work experience. Additionally, prior knowledge in cybersecurity and programming Price: ₹ 1,64...
The paper presents an overview of the Computer and Network Security course offered through distance education division as part of the online degree program. Topics presented in the online format are compared with those presented in a traditional curriculum in the face-to-face format. The pros and...
Depending on what computer science specializations you studied during your degree, you may wish to specialize as acybersecurity consultantor aninformation security specialist.Maintaining cyber security has become increasingly important, so in this role you will focus on understanding the risks to the sec...
Main Subject Computer Science and Information Systems Degree BSc Study Level Undergraduate This degree focuses on the key elements of computer forensics and security, namely principles and practices, information and network security, file system based forensics and analysis, network and internet forens...
Dr. Wenliang (Kevin) Du is the Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence at Syracuse University. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1993, and got his PhD degree from Purdue University in 2001. He became a ten...
If you missed out on getting a degree in computer science, like I did, this will catch you up and save four years of your life. When I started this project, I didn't know a stack from a heap, didn't know Big-O anything, or anything about trees, or how to traverse a graph. If...
YearLocationDurationFee First Year Degree ICRGU 2 semesters ICRGU Fees Second Year Degree School of Computing, RGU 2 semesters RGU Fees Third Year Degree School of Computing, RGU 2 semesters RGU Fees Final Year Degree School of Computing, RGU 2 semesters RGU Fees...
and specializations offered by most prestigious Universities across the globe. One can create own self-paced Computer Science degree curriculum to suit one’s requirements and knowledge goals. In fact, an excellent way to do this is to join Coursera’s annual subscription plan Coursera Plus, which...