Computers & Mathematics with Applications[CoMa] IET Circuits, Devices & Systems[CDS], IET Computers & Digital Techniques[CDT] IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems[TrVL] Journal of VLSI Signal Processing [JVSP] 第二版序言 自《COMPUTER ARITHMETIC : Algorithms and Hardware Designs》第一版出版以来,已经...
关键词:order(序), semimorphism(半态射), rounding invariant structures(舍入的不变量结构), floating-point arithmetic(浮点算术), interval arithmetic(区间算术), exact dot product(精确点积), reliable computing(可靠计算), computing with guarantees(有保证的计算),enclosure methods(封闭方法). semimorphism是...
Industrial, medical, and scientific applications. The aim is to collect and disseminate information on computer aided design in one journal. To provide the user community with methods and algorithms for representing curves and surfaces. To illustrate computer aided geometric design by means of interesti...
《International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics》共发表142篇文献,掌桥科研收录2008年以来所有《International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics》期刊内所有文献。
大类:Computer Science小类:Computational Theory and MathematicsQ267 / 176 62% 大类:Computer Science小类:Artificial IntelligenceQ3196 / 350 44% 大类:Computer Science小类:SoftwareQ3233 / 407 42% 名词解释: CiteScore:由Elsevier集团开发,类似影响因子用来评估杂志期刊学术影响力的一个指标。CiteScore采用了四...
Computers & Mathematics with Applications Volume 38, Issues 11–12,December 1999, Page 290 Book report Mathematics for computer graphics applications (second edition): By M. E. Mortenson. Industrial Press, New York. (1999). 354 pages. $39.95 ...
equivalent to the data transmitted by ten thousand weather satellites Applications arc expected to include the simulation of very complex physical phenomena in areas such as turbulence, biology and high exp losiv es 根据通告,第二个系统将会是一部被称为 Blue Gene/L 的研究机 器,它将使用基于新结构...
Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python from University of Michigan★★★☆☆(6) Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS from Johns Hopkins University★★★(5) The Computing Technology Inside Your Smartphone from Cornell University★★★(5) Web Coding Fundamentals:...
ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE工程技术计算机:人工智能1.011N/A1012-2443 APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE工程技术计算机:人工智能0.9884区0883-9514 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE工程技术计算机:人工智能2.8823区0924-669X APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING工程技术计算机:人工智能4.8732区1568-4946...
第二章是一阶逻辑First Order Logic涉及quantifier(universal quantifier "for each"和existensial quantifier "there exists");第三到六章基本上是集合论的内容,所涉公理系统是大家熟知的Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory;第七章(没看)是应用,谈到了阿罗不可能性定律(投票系统设计)、Gale and Shapley’s Matching ...