PTC Creo 7.0 is the industry-leading CAD solution that includes the most advanced tools for design. Get pricing on this software today!
In the United States, essentially all design drawings are now prepared with computer-aided drafting (CAD) software. The use of CAD software in engineering design became popular in the 1980s, when high-speed, affordable personal computers with large storage memories became available. The days of ...
What is CAD software? CAD, or computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), istechnology designed for creators to design, draft, and producetechnical documentation—replacing manual hand-drawn anddraftingtechniques with a digital first process. Whether you’re anarchitect, designer, or engineer, you’...
网络释义 1. 电脑辅助设计系统 1963 年Ivan Sutherland发明了《Sketchpad》成为电脑辅助设计系统(computer-aided drafting)的|基于5个网页 2. 电脑辅助绘图 龙华机械系专业必修课程有哪些 -... ... 机械制图 Engineering Drawing电脑辅助绘图Computer-Aided Drafting静力学 Statics ... ...
Computer-Aided Drawing Computer-Aided Drug Design Computer-Aided Education & Training Initiative Computer-Aided Electronic Packaging Computer-Aided Electronic Warfare Information System Computer-Aided Embarkation Management System Computer-Aided Empirical Software Engineering ...
Computer-AidedDraftingandDesign Group-X 第一段 CADDisanacronymforcomputer-aideddraftinganddesign.Initially,thelettersCADreferredtocomputer-aideddrafting,butnowtheycanmeancomputer-aideddrafting,computer-aideddesign,orboth.CADDbetterdescribescurrenttechnologysincemanypopularsoftwarepackagesincludebothtwo-dimensionaldrafting...
你如何将“computer-aided software engineering"翻译成中文: 计算机辅助软件工程.例句: In 1983, he founded Bachman Information Systems, which developed a line of computer-aided software engineering (CASE) products. ↔ 1983年,他成立了自己的公司——巴赫曼信
CAD (computer-aided design) software (such as AutoCAD®, etc.) is mostly used for accurate technical drawings and 3D modeling, which are often used in the fields of engineering, construction, and architecture. It provides cutting-edge tools for challenging tasks and needs unique to a given ...
COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN CAD SOFTWARELearn about the benefits of using CAD software to create your next design.VIEW PRODUCTS TRY AUTOCAD NOW What is CAD software CAD, or computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), is technology for design and technical documentation, which replaces manual drafting ...
CAD can also be referred to as CADD, or computer-aided design and drafting. CAD/CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) refers to the use of CAD with software that feeds data to manufacturing processes based on CAD is used throughout the engineering process, from conceptual product design and layout...