computer aided drafting 读音:美英 computer aided drafting基本解释 计算机辅助绘图;计算机辅助制图;计算机绘图;辅助制图;计算机绘图系统 分词解释 computer(电子)计算机,电脑 aided半自动的 drafting起草v. 起草( draft的现在分词 ) computer aided drafting是什么意思 computer aided drafting怎么读 computer aided drafting...
Developing a Computer Aided Drafting CourseShumaker, T M
CAD的发展 CAD(Computer Aided Drafting)诞生于60年代,是美国麻省理工大学提出了交互式图形学的研究计划,由于当时硬件设施的昂贵,只有美国通用汽车公司和美国波音航空公司使用自行开发的交互式绘图系统。70年代,小型计算机费用下降,美国工业界才开始广泛使用交互式绘图系统。80年代,由于PC机的应用,CAD得以...
网络释义 1. 电脑辅助设计系统 1963 年Ivan Sutherland发明了《Sketchpad》成为电脑辅助设计系统(computer-aided drafting)的|基于5个网页 2. 电脑辅助绘图 龙华机械系专业必修课程有哪些 -... ... 机械制图 Engineering Drawing电脑辅助绘图Computer-Aided Drafting静力学 Statics ... ...
computer-aided design (redirected fromComputer-aided drafting) Thesaurus Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Related to Computer-aided drafting:Cadd,Computer assisted design computer-aided design n (Computer Science) the use of computer techniques in designing products, esp involving the use of computer graphics...
This research investigated the perceived effect of industry recognized Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) certifications among community college drafting instructors and employers. The research questions that guided this study were: (1) Do community college drafting instructors believe that certified drafters perfo...
In the past few years, Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) capabilities have become available on personal computer systems. The popularity of personal computer-based (PC-based) CAD is not only due to low cost but also ease of use; improved accuracy over manual drafting; cleaner, more professional ou...
Computer-AidedDraftingandDesign详解 Computer-AidedDraftingandDesign Group-X 第一段 CADDisanacronymforcomputer-aideddraftinganddesign.Initially,thelettersCADreferredtocomputer-aideddrafting,butnowtheycanmeancomputer-aideddrafting,computer-aideddesign,orboth.CADDbetterdescribescurrenttechnologysincemanypopularsoftware...
网络电脑辅助立体制图 网络释义 1. 电脑辅助立体制图 电脑辅助立体制图(Computer Aided Solid Drafting)中文英文移动图元Move entities旋转图元Rotate entities修改草图Modify sk…|基于30个网页