网络计算机地址总线;计算机位址汇流排 网络释义
bus is a channel that connects two computers or multiple functional units together and allows them to exchange data with each other. The bus can also connect the computer and external devices together. The bus is a very important part of the computer system. On the need to know the following...
P317318. Italian Listening Comprehension - What Time is it Now in Italy 01:48 P318319. Weekly Italian Words with Ilaria – Clothing Accessories 01:56 P319320. Italian Listening Comprehension - Choosing a Seat on a Flight in Italy 01:58 P320321. New! Your Step-by-Step Path to Learning ...
A control computer system is described, particularly for use in a printing press, in which a control computer 115 connected via an address bus 2 with several peripheral units 3, which have address recognition circuits 4. There is provided in the address recognition circuit of each peripheral ...
address of thememorylocation that is being read or written. The total number of addressable memory locations depends on the width of the address bus — a 16-bit bus can address 65,536 memory locations (64 kilobytes), while a 32-bit bus can address 4,294,967,296 locations (4 gigabytes)...
base address, batch processing, beta-test, binary notation, bitorbinary digit, black box, Bluetooth, bomb, bootorbootstrap, bottom-up processing, bpi (bits per inch), branch instruction, broadband, buffer, bug, bulletin board, bundle, busorbusbar, bus master, byte, cache memory, capture, ...
Data bus Data buses Data cable Data cache Data cap Data capture Data carrier Data carving Data cassette DataCent Data center Data center hosting Data center infrastructure management Data center rack Data channel Data circuit-terminating equipment Data cleansing Data collision Datacom Data communication ...
A bridge for interfacing buses in a computer system having an industry standard architecture (ISA) bus and a peripheral controller interconnect (PCI) bus is coupled between the ISA and PCI buses. The bridge has a direct memory access (DMA) control circuit programmable by programming signals to ...
Each device can read the address off of the bus and determine whether it is the device being accessed by the CPU. Unlike the other buses, the address bus always receives data from the CPU; the CPU never reads the address bus. 图2-1所示的系统包括三组总线。最上面的是地址总线。当CPU从...
1.The address strobe output (ADSTB) of the 8237 clocks the address (A15-A8) into latch D during the DMA action so that the entire DMA transfer address becomes available on the address bus. 在DMA作用周期中,8237的地址选通输出信号(ADSTB)选通高位地址字节A15-A8至锁存器D中,从而使整个DMA的...