口腔X射线数字化体层摄影设备 Computed Tomography X-ray System,由高压发生器 (HDG-07B10T2)、X射线管(D-052SB)、限束器、全景探测器(Xmaru1501CF)、三维探测器(Xmaru0712CF)、三维探测器(Xmaru1215CF PLUS,选配)、头颅探测器(Xmaru2301CF,选配 )、软件(NCSW2012,发布版
产品对从多方向穿过患者的X射线信号进行计算机处理,为诊断提供重建影像。支持能谱功能成像检查。 本产品由基本组件和选件组成,其中基本组件包括扫描架(机架,内含X射线管组件、准直器、高压发生器和探测器)、扫描床、控制台和配电装置(电源分配装置),选件详见产品技术要求。探测器物理结构64排,最多生成128层图像,扫描...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To obtain an X-ray system for computed tomography which can be easily operated by providing the system with a photographic control part which detects a signal suggestive of a state of apnea in which a patient has fallen, from an artificial respirator and sends this ...
X射线计算机断层摄影设备 X-ray Computed Tomography system 管理类别 3 型号规格 Aquilion TSX-101A 结构及组成 产品由扫描架(X射线球管、探测器)、X射线高压发生器、患者支架、控制台带液晶显示器包括计算机图像处理系统、系统变压器、附件及选件(见标准)组成。
贝登医疗X射线计算机断层摄影设备 X-ray Computed Tomography system医疗器械注册证主要信息:注册证编号为国食药监械(进)字2009第3303119号、注册人名称为TOSHIBA MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION。
口腔颌面锥形束计算机体层摄影设备X-ray system,diagnostic,computed tomography,arm,该产品由 X 射线管头、限束器、探测器、控制装置、辅助定 位装置、图像采集处理装置、机架和头颅臂组成。其中头颅臂 和用于头影测量的探测器仅适用于型号 PAPAYA 3D Plus。,口腔颌面锥
Computed tomography (CT) systems use a series of X-ray images to create an image volume dataset with slices that can be manipulated on any plane using advanced visualization software. The section includes computed tomography scanners, CT contrast agents,
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To handle the projection data of the overlap area of the X-ray beam of (k)-th rotation and the X-ray beam of (k+1)-th rotation so as to improve image quality. ;SOLUTION: This X-ray computed tomography system is provided with an X-ray source 3 for generating...
X-ray Computed Tomography system 国产失效 产品名称: X-ray Computed Tomography system 注册(备案)号: 国食药监械(进)字2008第3301729号 注册人住所: 日本国枥木县大田原市下石上1385番 批准(备案)日期: 2008-06-26 有效期至: 2012-06-25 结构及组成: ...
X-ray Computed Tomography system 国产失效 产品名称: X-ray Computed Tomography system 注册人名称: TOSHIBA MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION 注册(备案)号: 国食药监械(进)字2009第3303119号 注册人住所: 1385,Shimoishigami,Otawara-shi,Tochigi 324-8550, Japan ...