Compute the stiffness matrixFEMbasis
本文将采用动态刚度阵法 DynamicStiffnessMatrixMethod 来计算船舶总体自由振动的固有频 率9该方法不但能简化计算模型9而且能获得较高精度的高阶固有频率 动态刚度阵法的概念最早是 由Kolousek [2] 于4年代早期提出9它是解决工程中结构振动问题的一个强有力的工具9尤其是在需要 获得更高阶的固有频率或更高精度时 动...
This brief article presents a simple modification to the widely-used Kausel-Roesset Stiffness Matrix Method (SMM), and in particular to its implementation in the context of the Thin-Layer Method (TLM). This modification allows making fast and accurate computations of wavenumber spectra e...
KumarJyantNaskarTarunKumar, J., Naskar, T., 2017a. A fast and accurate method to compute dispersion spectra for layered media using a modified Kausel-Roesset stiffness matrix approach. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Elsevier 92, 176-182....
SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING -SOUTHAMPTON-Kumar, J., Naskar, T., 2017a. A fast and accurate method to compute dispersion spectra for layered media using a modified Kausel-Roesset stiffness matrix approach. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Elsevier 92, 176-182....
Modern GPUs outperform their CPU counterparts in terms of processing power, memory bandwidth, and efficiency. For many years, GPUs have potentially powered the image rendering and animation on the computer display, but they are able to do more [7]. Unity3D is a cross-platform game engine that...