vfh.setInputNormals (normals);// PointCloud<PointNormal> cloud_normals;// concatenateFields (cloud, normals, cloud_normals);// savePCDFile ("bun0_n.pcd", cloud_normals);// ObjectPointCloud<VFHSignature308>::Ptrvfhs(newPointCloud<VFHSignature308> ());// set parametersvfh.setInputCloud...
}// Create a shared plane model pointer directlySampleConsensusModelNormalParallelPlanePtrmodel(newSampleConsensusModelNormalParallelPlane<PointXYZ, Normal> (cloud.makeShared ())); model->setInputNormals (normals.makeShared ());constfloatmax_angle_rad =0.01f;constfloatangle_eps =0.001f; model->se...
我正在接收ROS消息,类型为 sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr 在我的回调函数中,我将它转换为 pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr之后,使用pcl教程中的代码进行正常估计: void OrganizedCloudToNormals( const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr &nest.setInputCloud (_ 浏览24提问于2020-07-05得票数 ...
void computePointSPFHSignature( const pcl::PointCloud &cloud, const pcl::PointCloud &normals, pcl::index_t p_idx, int row, const pcl::Indices &indices, Eigen::MatrixXf &hist_f1, Eigen::MatrixXf &hist_f2, Eigen::MatrixXf &hist_f3) {} 该函数来自“fpfh.h”文件。 SPFH 直方图不应该...
In addition, scaling can improve the reliability of the system by reducing resource utilization and preventing it from nearing the breaking point.It is important to note that although the cloud enables us to easily provision newer or better resources, cost is always an opposing factor that needs ...
Local Disk: The host's local disk is used. The local disk features more stable I/O performance and higher throughput than the cloud disk. Live migration of VMs is not supported. The local disk is not limited by the VDC quota, and usage of the local disk cannot be calculated. The perfo...
Therefore, you can enable paging file management for the instance only by using Cloud Assistant. You can use one of the following methods to run commands by using Cloud Assistant: Use Session Manager to connect to the instance without a password and then run commands. For more information,...
Outbound bandwidth is consumed when data is transferred from the ECS instance. The maximum outbound bandwidth of an ECS instance is capped at 100 Mbit/s or 200 Mbit/s regardless of whether the instance resides in a virtual private cloud (VPC) or the classic network. The maximum available outb...
Step 1 On the Whitelists page, click the Alarm Whitelist tab, as shown in Figure 2-21. Figure 2-21 Alarm Whitelist tabIssue 01 (2023-09-30) Copyright © Huawei Cloud Computing Technologies Co., Ltd. 37 Compute Security Platform (CSP)Operation...
storageType StorageType No Storage type of CDS disk, default is hp1 (High Performance Cloud Disk) snapshotId String No As property, a snapshot ID is valid when creating a disk through snapshot. If cdsSizeInGB is null, CDS disk is by default created by a snapshot size. If the param...