Compute Inv-sinh confidence interval for the odds ratioLibo Sun
d_to_r(d=0.2)## [1] 0.0995oddsratio_to_riskratio(2.6,p0=0.4)## [1] 1.59 And for recovering effect sizes from test statistics. F_to_d(15,df=1,df_error=60)## d | 95% CI## ---## 1.00 | [0.46, 1.53]F_to_r(15,df=1,df_error=60)## r | 95% CI## ---## 0.45 ...
The MOB (Monotonic Optimal Binning) package is a collection of R functions that would generate the monotonic binning and perform the WoE (Weight of Evidence) transformation used in consumer credit scorecard developments. Being a piecewise constant transformation in the context of logistic regressions, ...
1. In SPSS, go to ‘Transform > Compute Variable‘. 2. In the newCompute Variablewindow,firstenter the name of the new variable to be created in the ‘Target Variable‘ box. Remember, SPSS does not like spaces in the variable names. A good example is to add the suffix ‘_avg‘ to...
Compute Gart adjusted confidence interval for the odds ratioLibo Sun
Compute Cornfield midp confidence interval for the odds ratioLibo Sun
Compute MUE confidence interval for the odds ratioLibo Sun
Compute Baptista-Pike midp confidence interval for the odds ratioLibo Sun
Compute Agresti independence confidence interval for the odds ratioLibo Sun