Geometric Mean gmean nangmean Harmonic Mean hmean nanhmean Quadratic Mean qmean nanqmean Variance variance nanvariance incrvariance mvariance incrmvariance Standard Deviation stdev nanstdev incrstdev mstdev incrmstdev Mode mode Rank Statistics median nanmedian quantile quantiles nanquantiles iqr...
or HVSR computation by combining the two horizontal components using one of the methods referenced by Albarello and Lunedei (2013): (2) arithmetic mean, H ≡ (HN + HE)/2 (3) geometric mean, H ≡√HN · HE (4) vector summation, H ≡√H2 N + H2 E (5) quadratic mean, H ≡√(...
Array orMatrix data set; data sample X - algebraic; random variable or distribution p - algebraic; probability ds_options - (optional) equation(s) of the formoption=valuewhereoptionis one ofignore,method, orweights; specify options for computing the quantile of a data set ...
Geometric Data Extraction from text file of STEP 3D model Get "Right" HResult (Error ID) from Exception Get 503 HTTP Status Code Get 64 Bit Registry Value Get a cellvalue from a DataGridView returns null? Get a list of all browsers installed and their versions from remote desktop Get a ...
Geometric Data Extraction from text file of STEP 3D model Get "Right" HResult (Error ID) from Exception Get 503 HTTP Status Code Get 64 Bit Registry Value Get a cellvalue from a DataGridView returns null? Get a list of all browsers installed and their versions from remote desktop Get a ...
(FLANN),ANN, and CGAL ) The KdTree splitting heuristic implements an extendable sophisticated splitting optimization which in the most elaborate, performance worst case consists of searching for the best split between the splitting heuristicsMIDPOINT,MEDIANandGEOMETRIC_MEANby evaluating a user-provided ...
2009. The objective of this script is to provide an insight into station’s ambient seismic field power characteristics. For each channel, the computed baseline represents the probability density function (PDF) characteristics of the PSDs in the form of median, lower and higher percentiles of the...
or HVSR computation by combining the two horizontal components using one of the methods referenced by Albarello and Lunedei (2013): (2) arithmetic mean, H ≡ (HN + HE)/2 (3) geometric mean, H ≡√HN · HE (4) vector summation, H ≡√H2 N + H2 E (5) quadratic mean, H ≡√(...
or HVSR computation by combining the two horizontal components using one of the methods referenced by Albarello and Lunedei (2013): (2) arithmetic mean, H ≡ (HN + HE)/2 (3) geometric mean, H ≡√HN · HE (4) vector summation, H ≡√H2 N + H2 E (5) quadratic mean, H ≡√(...