def compute_pairwise_distances(x, y): """ Computes the squared pairwise Euclidean distances between x and y. :param x: a tensor of shape [num_x_samples, num_features] :param y: a tensor of shape [num_y_samples, num_features] :return: a distance matrix of dimensions [num_x_samples...
Spectral Euclidean distance—The Euclidean distance between the pixel values of two multiband rasters will be calculated. Spectral angle difference—The spectral angle between the pixel values of two multiband rasters will be calculated. The output is in radians. Band with most change—The band that...
2 Quick start The simplest way to install BubbleDet is to use a Python package manager, such as the Package Installer for Python (PIP) or Conda. To install with PIP, run the following in a Linux or Unix (including macOS) terminal or in a Windows command prompt2 $ pip install Bubble...
Approximatively 40 different internal indices have been implemented in Python : Ball-Hall Index, Dunn Index, Generalized Dunn Indexes (18 indexes), C Index, Banfeld-Raftery Index, Davies-Bouldin Index, Calinski-Harabasz Index, Ray-Turi Index, Xie-Beni Index, Ratkowsky Lance Index, SD Index, ...
Methods include: ['hamming', 'levenshtein', 'kendall', 'winner', 'euclidean']To add: general edit distances, kemeny distance, regression metrics...VisualizationsUse to visualize preference matrix (2D) or ranking ballots (1D).>>>
代码实现中,首先需要引入必要的模块,设置模型参数: K(numClusters)、最大迭代次数(numIteration)...