This project aims todeepen knowledges in CNNs, especially in features extraction and images similarity computation. I decided to work with 2 pre-trained CNN (on ImageNet): theVGG16and theResNet50and to compare their cosine similarity performances. You can choose to load models: ...
Guide to Fuzzy Matching with Python String similarity — the basic know your algorithms guide! Normalized compression distance Extra libraries For main algorithms textdistance try to call known external libraries (fastest first) if available (installed in your system) and possible (this implementation ca...
In this article, you have learned about the attention in a transformer network and how it can be computed. In order to further clarify the concept and experiment with the method, you can run the respective python notebook which details each step in a clear and easy...
python,运行中文词语语义消歧脚本. 1, 指定需要进行词义消歧的词语word 2, 指定需要极刑词义消歧词语所在的句子 例子: enter an sent to search:苹果发布新产品了 enter an word to identify:苹果 sent_embedding_res: [('公司', 0.4309597564421702), ('物品', 0.39608141793731144), ('歌曲...
TextDistance -- python library for comparing distance between two or more sequences by many algorithms.Features:30+ algorithms Pure python implementation Simple usage More than two sequences comparing Some algorithms have more than one implementation in one class. Optional numpy usage for maximum speed...