Addresses the general problem of finding bifurcations of a stable equilibrium which are closest to a given parameter vector λ 0 in a high-dimensional parameter space. The author proposes an iterative method to compute saddle node and Hopf bifurcations which are locally closest to λ 0 . The ite...
Then, we show that computing the closest UEP using the dynamic gradient approach can be infeasible.JaewookLeeEBSCO_AspIEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlLee, J., "Dynamic gradient approaches to compute the closest unstable equilibrium points for basin of attraction estimate and their computational ...
Scenes/Others/PlacingPointsOnMesh ( Coming Soon ) Scenes/Others/BakingOutOBJ ( Coming Soon ) Getting Data BACK Closest Point ( Coming Soon ) Closest Point On Tri ( Coming Soon ) Total Force ( Coming Soon ) MaterialsScenes/MaterialExplorer includes the following materials: ...
supports the same parameters -r, -s as FAST_ROTATION above, and additionally support -n to specify the number of neighboring points that are used to build geometric descriptors ICP is a method that iteratively assignes closest pairs of points between two images until convergence and can be used...
* Helper function that derives the closest color name for the color, based on the colors family * * @param {*} colorsFamily the colors name family to use * @param {*} color the color to convert to a name */functiongetColorName(colorsFamily,color){if('hex'===colorsFamily){r...
voidOnRenderObject(){material.SetPass(0);Graphics.DrawProceduralNow(MeshTopology.Points,1,particleCount);} 获取当前鼠标位置方法。OnGUI()这个方法每一帧可能调用多次。z值设为摄像机的近裁剪面加上一个偏移量,这里加14是为了得到一个更合适视觉深度的世界坐标(也可以自行调整)。
# 需要导入模块: from dask import array [as 别名]# 或者: from dask.array importcompute[as 别名]def_get_corner_dask(stride, valid, in_x, in_y, index_array):"""Get closest set of coordinates from the *valid* locations."""# Find the closest valid pixels, if anyidxs = np.argmax(va...
. This gives us the components of a vector field that points toward the closest point on the boundary of A. We can use the Differentiation operatord(d_A,x)andd(d_A,y)to take the spatial derivatives, as shown in the screenshot below. ...
N = closestObstacleByHeading.cells(cellData.minHeading, cellData.maxHeading, minObstacleDistances); setMinObstacleDistance(distance, minObstacleDistances, N); } } 开发者ID:PrincetonPAVE,项目名称:old_igvc,代码行数:30,代码来源:FovObstacleMap.cpp ...
Closest Point on Curve curves: point on curve curves: pushout curve points Get Curve Data Resample Curves Transforms to Curve Bend Deformer Field WeightObject Flare Deformer Magnet Deformer Sine Deformer Twist Deformer Wave Deformer Abs Double (Python) Clamp Double (Python) Compose Double...