阿姆斯特丹大学-Faculty of social and behavioural science 世界排名: QS 61名 PhD Project description: Using large scale social register data and big data analytics, 包括媒体数据挖掘分析--强调交叉学科研究 博士Offer 类型: Conditional offer, 需申请CSC奖学金;如成功申请奖学金,外导师课题组会额外补助:600-...
其实我知道很多sociology/communication/political science department下面的教授做的research也很偏computational。我虽然在cs department下面,不过我导指导风格很自由,说我可以自由explore(包括一些纯social science methods),我也对从social science角度做SNA很感兴趣,我们可以一起探讨~ 赞 回应 芭蕾天鹅石安娜 2022-04-21...
TheComputational Social Science groupat Microsoft Research NYC is actively seeking a post doc researcher to join us in advancing the state-of-the-art in computational social science and online experimentation. The applicant will poss...
CSS is the development of intelligent systems and solutions to address the critical problems of the society such as poverty and hunger, slavery and torture, disease and suffering, and create tools that enable an illiterate person to be as productive as a PhD. Computer Science and Artificial ...
Currently pursuing a PhD (with expected completion by June) or have completed a PhD degree in a social science, mathematical, or computational field with demonstrated research using advanced computational methods to address social science questions. Strong computer programming s...
As part of their degree requirements, allstudents attend our weeklyComputational Social Science Workshop. The Workshop gives you a chance to seeemergent computational workin the social sciences, to learnnew methodological tools, to meetleading computational researchersfrom around the world, and to forg...
Science, and Philosophy. Relevant keywords include decision theory, game theory, social choice theory, AI, multiagent systems, and knowledge representation. You will be expected to contribute to the broad research agenda of the COMSOC Group. Specific tasks include: to complete and defend a PhD ...
My work is grounded in computational social science and draws on social, political, and cognitive psychology, intersecting with political science, communication, linguistics, and computer science. I utilize tools that combine classic experimental psychology with big data analytics, machine learning, and ...
PhD in Network Science Boston University College of Communication Lei Guo,Google Scholar South Duke Computer Science There is also a program at Duke calledComputational Media, Arts & Cultures Alexander Volfovsky,Google Scholar UNC-Chapel Hill
berg’s former PhD student, Lars Backstrom, also worked on the connection-prediction prob- lem — experience that he has put to good use now that he works at Face- book, where he designed the social network’s current friend-recommendation system. Another long-standing social-science ...