functions and scripts for the course Computational Finance a.c. 2016/2017 - skiamu/ComputationalFinance
Yanhui Fan. (2016) FinCal: package for time value of money calculation, time series analysis and computational finance. Zenodo. Releases2 package for time value of money calculation, time series analysis and computational financeLatest Apr 18, 2016 ...
The proposed approach’s results are compared with those of classical models and evolving Fuzzy Systems, and the model presented satisfactory results. The code of the proposed models is given at
Data Availability Statement The data are openly available at and Li, X., Li, Y., Mo, X., Xiao, H., Shen, Y., Chen, L.: Diga: guided diffusion model for graph recovery in anti-money ...
The code can be downloaded from GitHub, such that all results can be reproduced by the readerT. TrimbornMartin FrankMaximilian BeikirchSimon CramerP. OtteEmma PabicharXiv: Computational FinanceT. Trimborn, P. Otte, S. Cramer, M. Beikirch, E. Pabich, ...
further GAP interface programs provided by users. Cross-platform – runs on Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Support:FAQ,GitHub code repository Developer:GAP Group License:GNU General Public License v2.0 Return to Computer Algebra Systems...
BloombergGPT: a large language model for finance. Preprint at (2023). Bubeck, S. et al. Sparks of artificial general intelligence: early experiments with GPT-4. Preprint at (2023). Kresse, G. & Furthmüller, J. Efficient...
The substantive applications will cover a wide range of problems including public finance, macroeconomics, game theory, mechanism design, econometrics, finance, and industrial organization.LecturesThe lectures will be given 18:00 CET (9:00am PST). They will be streamed using Zoom. They will also... İstatistik, Yapay Öğrenim, Veri Analizi (Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Analysis) Zaman Serileri ve Finans (Time Series and Finance) ...