On the computational complexity of solv- ing stochastic mean-payoff games. http://www.citebase.org/abstract?id=oai: arXiv.org:0812.0486, 2008.Gurvich, V., Miltersen, P.B.: On the computational complexity of solving stochastic mean-payoff games. CoRR, abs/0812.0486 (2008)...
Approximate Joint Diagonalization and Geometric Mean of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices However, none of the existing iterative algorithms feature at the same time fast convergence, low computational complexity per iteration and guarantee of ... C Marco,A Bijan,B Alexandre,... - 《Plos One》 ...
The ε \|average complexity of solving operator equations under Gaussian measure with mean zero is taken into consideration.Under a certain condition,result shows that whether the amount of information required is exponential with dimensional or not is independent of the operator in the equation.Thus...
Generally, when we talk about the complexity of an algorithm, we're talking about the worst-case scenario. Well, what is a data set? It means whatever makes the most sense in context, to be honest(在程序里有用的那些都是数据集). If we have an algorithm, the Processes Strings -- we'...
The Effect of Inherent Structure and Interactive Mode of Narrative Tasks on Accuracy and Complexity of L2 Oral Performance 叙事任务的内在结构及互动模式对L2口语产出准确度和复杂度的影响 热度: On the computational complexity of the resolution of plane curve singularities ...
On the Complexity of Bayesian Generalization - ICML'23, 2023. [All Versions]. [Project]. [Models]. This work examine concept generalization at a large scale in the natural visual spectrum. Established computational modes (i.e., rule-based or similarity-based) are primarily studied isolated, fo...
In this paper, we evaluate the computational complexity and the performance of the RAKE receivers for the Direct Sequence - Ultra Wideband (DS-UWB) with considering the accuracy of channel estimation in a multipath channel. As RAKE receivers for DS-UWB, we consider the maximal-ratio combining (...
Before we look at the complexity of the brain, let us first look at brain simulations. Brain simulations are often used to predict human-like intelligence. If we can simulate a human brain, then it will not be long until we are able to develop human-like intelligence, right? So the next...
While the use of the LMM improves the deconvolution accuracy, it introduces a much higher level of computational complexity than the models used in CPM and other cell-type deconvolution methods. We improved the computational efficiency of MeDuSA through coding the core algorithm with C++ and applying...