Behind all these exponential growth is the computational mathematical algorithms (in the form of software) superimposed on the hardware. Here we can see the real power of RMA through its computational arm. All sciences and all engineering that we see today would have remained dwarfed without this...
When a random utility model is used, the computation of compensating variation is not straightforward, particularly when utility is not linear in household income. It can be carried out using a methodology recently proposed in the literature. In this paper we describe a software instrument, ...
Human computation is an approach to solving problems that prove difficult using AI only, and involves the cooperation of many humans. Because human computa
peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance. Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waived or reduced open access ...
The convergence of new, fast GPUs optimized for computation as well as 3-D graphics acceleration and industry-standard software [...] 全新的高速 GPU 专为计算和 3D 图形加速而进行了优化,这些 GPU 与行业标准软件开发工具的融合标志着 GPU 计算时代的真正开始。 [...] ...
the operation of the new rent adjustment mechanism,thecomputationofthe income index, and the need to provide for a rent [...] 法案委員會曾深 入研究多項事宜,包括撤銷租金與入息比例中位數 10%上限的理據、新租金調整機制的運作、收入指數 的計算方法,以及在新租金調整機...
bases used inthecomputationoftaxable income, using enacted or substantively enacted [...] 遞延稅項乃就財務報表內資產及負債 賬面值與基於頒佈或實質頒佈所得稅稅率計算應課稅收入所使用 之相應課稅基金額兩者間的暫時差異予以確認,上述稅率於撥回相 ...
While digital trace data from sources like search engines hold enormous potential for tracking and understanding human behavior, these streams of data lack information about the actual experiences of those individuals generating the data. Moreover, most
2015 EIC Table Tab 2 2015 States Quick Reference State Individual Income Tax Quick Reference Chart (2015)General Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts...
XLess:Non-assessableincome/Deductibleexpensesnotintheprofitandlossaccount: Computersoftwareandhardware X Dividend X Interestincomeexemptfrompaymentofprofitstax X Offshoreinterest X Offshoreprofit X Prescribedfixedassets X Recoveryofbaddebtspreviouslynotallowed ...